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    Summer repotting scots pines?

    Very interesting thread with many different opinions. I live in Cornwall, south west England ( I have no idea what zone I'm in ) & I, having read many of Vance Wood posts decided to repot my mugo pine after fathers day this year. It had previously been in a pond basket for 5 years. As far...
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    American Larch graft sequence

    That is going to look stunning. The base of that tree is awesome. That is great material to be working with. On another note you have some stunning trees in your garden, I would love to see separate threads on the 2 trees to the right of this larch from the bottom photo. Is 1 a larch group on...
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    paper pots

    update Hey guys is there an update for these pots. Did you paint them? Did they last through a winter? Have you done any more?
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    Harry Harrington at bonsai4me shows you how to grow through a tile or a board with great results. I hope this link works,
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    pot suggestions

    I know traditionally you don't see jins on traditional deciduous looking tree's, but I think a haggard, struggling windswept tree it would lend itself to the harch conditions its supposedly been living in. Well thats my thinking anyway!
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    pot suggestions

    Thanks JudyB, that makes sense. I completely understand what you're saying regarding a slab drying out. I appreciate you explaining that.
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    pot suggestions

    On your question of container, consider something like this: Thank you BVF something like that would be perfect.
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    pot suggestions

    Here is my windswept hornbeam, restyled this winter. I'm looking for pot/slab recommendations or even virts. I'm leaning toward slab with a rock/wall behind the tree. The vision being the rock/wall sheltered the tree for many a year & then the elements hit it. Any suggestion will be...
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    wow Smithy, where did that come from? What a transformation. The difference between what you started with & what your left with blew my mind. I love Hawthorn, & I just love what you've done here. Thanks for sharing it.
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    half price spruce forrest

    keep us updated I will follow this post all the way, as I'm contemplating doing the same thing. It would be really handy to see it step by step. Good luck
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    Larch group

    Great work Smithy, a brilliant transformation. Hmmm I've seen these before tho!! Its a wee world isn't it! Keep up the good work.
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    Caleb cancer free!!!

    Fantastic news, so pleased for you & your family
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    how to disguise a trunk chop

    Hi, can you please give your advice on how to hide/disguise a trunk chop. What are the techniques for making a chop blend in to the rest of the tree. Does anyone have photo's of the process from chop to blending in. Also when is the best time to try to work on a chop. The tree in question for me...
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    roots sprouting in the wrong places

    Hi smoke, actually I did use rooting hormone on these airlayers. I didn't know that was the case regarding maples & elms, thanks for the advice. To be honest these are some of the first air layers I've attempted, (I did 1 successfully last year, elm) so I really just wanted to follow the so...
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    roots sprouting in the wrong places

    I have just noticed they are doing exactly that. The last week has been wet, but yesterday was dry & warm, & the exposed roots are drying out. Thank you for your input.
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    roots sprouting in the wrong places

    Yes so was I. I have other tree's in these baskets & once the roots hit the light the tips turn brown & grows in another direction. All of my airlayers on the other hand are growing roots 2" plus outside the basket. The roots are growing so healthy you can almost watch them grow. At least there...
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    roots sprouting in the wrong places

    Hey guys, I have recently seperated a few chinese elm airlayers to great success. Roots are pooring out of the pond basket having only been in the baskets for 8 days. The only issues I have, are a few so called roots are appearing in the wrong places. Almost half way up the trunk! Is it just a...
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    maple guidance please

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    maple guidance please

    worried You have my attention, I'm worried & I cant find the link!!! Please explain symptoms, time scale, & cure!!!!
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    maple guidance please

    You know what, I like that also. Many thanks
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    maple guidance please

    wow Brian, thank you so much, that is a great virt. Coming from a bonsai legend that you are I am almost certain to take it on that route. Also you are a wizard on the photoshop. I almost forget there was another branch!!!!
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    maple guidance please

    air layered Here are the 2 new trees And here is a healthy new root coming though the pond basket
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    maple guidance please

    update, bullet bitten! Hi guys, just a quick update on the maple. I took 2 airlayers this spring, 1 off the main trunk & the 2nd off the side trunk. They seemed to take forever to show some roots, & I eventually cut them off last week. I'm actually very pleased with them. Roots have already...
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    help with tree identification

    Update on the photo's as requested, leaves, buds & the back of the tree.
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