cryptomeria japonica

  1. Matt3839

    Browning needles on Cryptomeria?

    Hi, I recently got some young Cryptomeria Japonica and planted them in 2 gallon buckets with slightly acidic, loamy potting soil and 1/3 perlite. It’s been about two weeks and I’ve noticed some browning and yellowing on some of the needles. Could it just be stress from being shipped and...
  2. G

    Rather large “rescue” from a nursery

    Hey, I just picked up a new globosa nana from a nursery, half of the foliage on the side the sun was on for most of the day is a pale yellow. I brought it home and replanted it and I was wondering if you guys had any more tips to throw my way or and advice. I have no idea what direction I want...
  3. rhuarc

    Cryptomeria Japonica ‘Elegans’

    Hello everyone I’m new to bonsai and would love some suggestions. Most of you (if not all) have more experience with this amazing art than I do so any input would be appreciated! I found this cryptomeria japonica ‘elegans’ at a local nursery here in Covington, Washington State. I don’t know if...
  4. J

    Cryptomeria Japonica “Tansu”

    Recently acquired Cryptomeria Japonica “Tansu” and found not much information online. Wish someone here can share experience and advise. Are the branch flexible to bend, etc... thanks
  5. Hack Yeah!

    Tales from the Crypt omeria

    I saw this cryptomeria black dragon on the clearance rack at a local nursery when I first got into bonsai in 2017. I came home looked around bnut and the web and decided to go for it. I got it for $50 in June 2017
  6. Sn0W

    Garden Centre Haul

    So Today I picked up these bargains. I posted yesterday about a Japanese Red Pine and went back today to pick it up. Started speaking to the manager again and ended up leaving with a lot more. I realise that I didn't put anything in the pictures for scale, but the JRP is a monster and the...
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