
  1. Tntthunder

    Where can I learn bonsai design?

    I feel like I have finally gotten the basic "rules" down. Now I would really like to move into in-depth design stuff, the trees from Japanese artists or from those who studied there seem to have such an amazing balance, amazing proportions, they look so natural and beautiful. Is there anywhere...
  2. B

    Unknown Maple Trunk Chop Timing

    Disclaimer: I haven't even been in bonsai for 2 years, at least one of my claims will probably need to be corrected. Please tell me when I get something wrong. I don't want to go longer than I have to, believing in something false. This thread is an all-in-one kinda deal, I want to know what...
  3. PokeyBear83

    My Initiation Into Bonsai Noobcraft

    This is my Tiger Bark Ficus (Ficus Microcarpa) I am new so this is the plan. Water every Monday and Thursday, misting every morning around 7am. Feeding once a month on the first of the month with 8-10 pellets of biogold placed beneath the surface in spring and summer and once every 2 months...
  4. JamesBondsai

    1yr old Pinus Mugo Pumilio - Help!

    Please help ☺️ Hello all, I'm very new to the world of Bonsai and have been growing a Pinus Mugo Pumilio from the seed. I've got a 1yr old seedling and I'm looking for guidance. (I'm located in Southern England, for seasonal reference). I planted it towards the end of Autumn 2020 and simulated...
  5. CTHaynes

    Bonsai Noob - Feedback welcome

    I have just recently gotten into the amazing world of bonsai (not sure how I survived before this..) and have picked up a few different plants. I was looking for some feedback and possibly some great pointers that anyone may have. (And yes, I have looked around and have read plenty of the...
  6. Wulfskaar

    Pinus Pinea for a beginner

    I just purchased an Italian Stone Pine (Pinus Pinea) that I intend to make into a bonsai and need advice. My vision of this would be to have it morph into a natural-looking, but not extreme, umbrella shape, as seen in nature. I read that late fall/early winter is a good time to trim and...
  7. Atom#28

    My other DAS ist gut (dwarf Alberta spruce #2)

    I have this thing in my brain that never allows me to buy just one. So I got two! Here’s the other dwarf Alberta Spruce I have been working on. First bought in winter of 2019/2020. Here’s my progress up to today, with a lot of inspiration from Mr Pall’s work, via recent advice from @BobbyLane...
  8. DonovanC

    Juniper wiring tips? Guidelines? Rules of thumb? Personal spins?

    I’m pretty much new to wiring junipers... I mean I’ve done it, but I’ve never really known what I’m doing. And I’ve really only started taking the practice more seriously this year. I have a number of cuttings from the last 2 years and a few of them have grown enough to start working on - or at...
  9. Big Country Bonsai

    Escarpment live oak 2020

    I know there are a few nice escarpment live oaks in the bonsai world and I hope I can bring another nice tree into the mix. This tree is growing in a rough arid landscape with lots of juniper and red oak. These struggles have resulted in the live oaks in this area having smaller leaves...
  10. Mad Furiosa


    This is my first bonsai. It's a chinese elm and I grew it from a seed. Always indoors, watered daily with a little diluted fertilizer, mist it sometimes. Southern Alberta. It seems healthy growing lots but all a sudden I notice one of the newer leaves has a brown tip? and the older leaves have...
  11. palagaban

    i have been biten by the bonsai bug last year and this is the results

    Treeeeeeessssss!!!!!!! hehehehehe its been a nice day today and the sun has finally came out to play... so me and my little assistent took the chance to water our little trees... hope everybody has a nice day... wifey is preparing some sushi for our dinner.... hehehehehe bonsai and sushi...
  12. O

    Just When I Thought I Had It All Figured Out

    Good evening ladies and gents, A few months ago I bought a couple junipers, a ficus ("ginseng" I know I know..) and a schefflera. All of course before I knew what to look for, or anything at all for that matter. Well the junipers I hacked up and they seem to be doing fine outside, to my...
  13. M

    Brush Cherry Advice

    I just bought this brush cherry from a local nursery. I repotted it 2 days ago with a basic bonsai soil and some basic bonsail fertilizer pellets since the soil it was in retained waaaay too much water and was definitely going to drown it. I like in nebraska and it gets hot and muggy so I leave...
  14. MattE

    MY Question Thread lol

    So i thought i would create this thread for me and any other newbie and or anyone who has random questions they cant find the answer to. If you wish to respond or put in your .02 im sure it would be greatly appreciated by all. My one question i have to start this off as a noob is What is the...
  15. O

    What's wrong with my Ficus leaves? Any help appreciated!!

    Hey all, I've had this little ficus for about 6-8 months now, and it surprisingly hasn't had too many problems. I noticed today however that a couple of the leaves were starting to look sick and I'm not sure what might be causing it. Does anyone have any ideas?? The only other bits of...
  16. O

    Juniper Newbie Here.. Any Advice Welcome!!

    Hello all, Disclaimer: This is my first post here, so I apologize for any stupid questions contained herein. Anyways, I picked up a couple really good looking 3 year old Junipers from a guy who had set up a corner stand here in Tulsa, OK. Older, Asian fellow who really seemed like he knew what...
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