
Virginia Pine

A clump windswept Virginia Pine. I wonder if clump windswept is a catagory ;)
Very nice tree Dude,

But it sure ain't a clump just a very good windswept, nice one.
I tend to disagree redroo. The trunks diverge very close to the base, no reason not to put it in clump as a category, too.
That's a great tree, tachigi. I have a virginia pine in a grow box that is starting to backbud. Hopefully, I can start styling this season.
Very evocative composition. To my eye, the pot is too formal; the way the profile curves in under the lip is confining, when the composition is saying free! free! Eventually I think this would look good in a low, oval rustic pot or even on a slab. I keep coming back to it; the tree is very eye-catching!

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Bonsai (work-in-progress)
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