Recent content by cbroad

  1. cbroad

    Prunus x cisterna. Purple leaf sand cherry.

    Mine is still going, but lost it's primary left branch over the winter. I will have to completely redesign it...
  2. cbroad

    How would you handle this beech chop?

    I say wait another year at least. Think about what that cranking on the trunk will do to the roots while you're sawing it. I would be hesitant, a little over a year post collection, to do that on a somewhat temperamental species. There's always time to rework the chop when the tree is a little...
  3. cbroad

    Root strength of specialty Japanese maples
  4. cbroad

    Flowering Cherry I.D.

    And how sure are you that this is a volunteer? I may see a graft on this tree, in the 4th and 5th pictures right below the bifurcation of the trunks.
  5. cbroad

    Flowering Cherry I.D.

    The species could be yeodensis (speciosa X pendula), or subhirtella (itosakura X incisa) or it could be serrulata. Cherries can and will hybridize. Since they are single white(ish) flowers, and some exhibit the weeping habit, they could be of the yeodensis type. These are the types I see mostly...
  6. cbroad

    What Could It Be? No ID!

    I've used imidacloprid successfully to treat for borers after seeing similar damage. Things might be early enough to still save the tree. What is the condition of the tree? May be too soon to throw in the towel.
  7. cbroad

    J.M. clump air layer

    I'm definitely itching to prune this one back but not sure if should do that this spring or work the root system again. I may leave all the growth up top to help drive more root growth, but I still have some time to decide.
  8. cbroad

    J.M. clump air layer

    Thanks Tommy! I need to update this thread, the tree is probably due for another repot. The Bonsai Gods were not happy with the even number of trunks, so they decided to kill one off. It's probably for the best:p
  9. cbroad

    VIRGINIANA Project

    I got it straight now. Since I can't take responsibility for my own mistake, I'll blame the VNLA:p
  10. cbroad

    VIRGINIANA Project

    Whoops... I was misinformed, I thought our state tree was the dogwood and our state flower was the magnolia...
  11. cbroad

    VIRGINIANA Project

    You're probably right, but I bet you could bring their leaves into scale on a large bonsai specimen, they're not near as large as other magnolias like the evergreen species. Nonetheless, a great tree to have.
  12. cbroad

    VIRGINIANA Project

    Gotta have Magnolia virginiana, also called Sweetbay or Swamp Magnolia. It's our state flower, and the scent is hard to beat!
  13. cbroad

    Choosing Perlite

    @brp7 The stuff in your pictures looks like DE (diatomaceous earth)
  14. cbroad

    Why does all my Chinese Quince fruit ls look deformed.

    Actually it's closely related to Cedar-Apple Rust, but it's Cedar-Quince Rust. There's also a Cedar-Hawthorn Rust.
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