Recent content by Dalmat

  1. Dalmat

    Bonsai event in the neighbourhood

    Dry frost catch him by surprise, major part of collection gone,he is almost out of bonsai ,mostly came to greet Walter. I was wondering if someone would recognize him , nice observation. Hobbyst, pot-price......But that feeling when you know somebody on base on couple forum post and you first...
  2. Dalmat

    Bonsai event in the neighbourhood

    And how everything usually ends up in Dalmatia, some more vine.
  3. Dalmat

    Bonsai event in the neighbourhood

    It was a 10th anniversary of the Walter Pall's visiting Marija and Andrija .
  4. Dalmat

    Bonsai event in the neighbourhood

    Nice day,five minutes drive away and some friends from the north of the Croatia join in. (They pay back a visit,after we join them on their bonsai hobbyist exhibition as a part of of regional floral exhibit last May,more here ) You may recognize some people, here are some highlights from today
  5. Dalmat

    Sick tree?

    If this is olive it is overwatered and/or overfertilized.
  6. Dalmat

    Prunus I.D.

    Looks like one of the varieties of Prunus cerasifera
  7. Dalmat

    Flowers 2017

    Passiflora caerulea
  8. Dalmat

    Procumbens...(nana)..maintenance before & after

    In regular nursery here you can buy one or two years old juniper procumbens nana and juniper procumbens nana gracilis. One have scale foliage other more needle like. Now I forgot which one is scale and which one is with needle foliage.
  9. Dalmat

    Help with a monster yardadori juniper!

  10. Dalmat

    Safe Nighttime Temps for Ficus

    Mine tropicals are straight out when it is over 42F. I take them inside overnight if it will go bellow.
  11. Dalmat

    project taxus

    Don't be discouraged I had wait a year and couple months after repot for this shy new growth. It is a conifer after all. It was in bad conditions in that nursery mud, too.
  12. Dalmat

    Flowers 2017

    Rhaphiolepis indica
  13. Dalmat

    All aboard the Mugo train!

    Do we remove extra candles (more than two from same spot) now?
  14. Dalmat

    Sageretia for zone 9 ?

    It shows a slight wilt on leaves when it needs water,bounce back in half hour when it is watered again. If not in 100% inorganic it is a helpful sign,because it is prone to trunk root at the base if overwater in mix that retains water long.
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