Recent content by stevetb77

  1. S

    HELP!!! I'm a MORON, I killed it (?) in 7 days!!!

    Happy ending!! Thanks to all who cared enough about this poor innocent tree to give your feedback. Your tips helped me nurse it back to good health. Look at the difference! I'm surprised just how fast it came back! And this pic is a week old!! Now I need to learn how to prune and style it I...
  2. S

    HELP!!! I'm a MORON, I killed it (?) in 7 days!!!

    Great tip, thanks! Get lots of trees to rotate. = )
  3. S

    HELP!!! I'm a MORON, I killed it (?) in 7 days!!!

    Not sure how much of an issue the possible spider mites ended up being... I sprayed it down and they appear to be gone now. I'm thinking the thing that made the biggest difference was putting it outside where it belongs. It was indoors for a week when it nearly kicked the bucket (pot)? Now I...
  4. S

    HELP!!! I'm a MORON, I killed it (?) in 7 days!!!

    Thank you!! I can't thank you all enough for the useful feedback. I'm happy to report that she isn't dead.. she's already covered in little green leaf buds! New leaves are rapidly forming!! Thanks!!! = ) I will post a pic once she's back to her former glory so you can see what...
  5. S

    HELP!!! I'm a MORON, I killed it (?) in 7 days!!!

    It was a beautiful, noble tree. A week later it looks dead or near death. I am ashamed. I have lost my honor. Please, I must seppuku myself if I can't save this once noble tree. I had always wanted a bonsai, I have a spot in my home office reserved for one. My girlfriend picked this...
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