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The progress over the years of people’s bonsai trees
Introductory Soil Physics markyscott
Introduction to the physical properties of soils and substrates.
Evergreen Azalea Basics, including Satsuki Deep Sea Diver
Basic knowledge base for evergreen azaleas, including Satsuki
Dormant Season Spraying Part 3: Pine Trees markyscott
Diagnosing and treating fungal problems on Japanese Black Pine and other types of pines
Dormant Season Spraying Part 2: Lime Sulfur and Bordeaux Mix markyscott
Dormant season application of chemicals to prevent growing season issues with pests and diseases.
Dormant Season Spraying Part 1: Broadleaf Deciduous Trees markyscott
Dormant season application of chemicals to prevent growing season issues with pests and diseases.
Taking roots out of the soil and putting them in petri's.
Seed Germination Theory and Practice -- Dr. Norman Deno milehigh_7
The challenge in germinating seeds is to overcome the delay mechanisms they possess.
Inorganic Soil Reference Sheet markyscott
This is a reference documenting some of the more commonly used inorganic soil types.
A guide to juniper species, and a lesson on correct taxonomic nomenclature
An Approach for Making Your Bonsai Beautiful and Eye-catching
A primer for the chopping of diciduous trees
techniques to enhance the age of trees
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