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  1. X

    Hinoki Fun Bonsai

    Wanted to share my Hinoki. I only had this Hinoki for 1 year (purchased from home depot) and it's starting to get a nice silhouette. October gave me advice in the beginning. The top portion is still bushy and I have to figure out how to define the foliage pads, but the bottom section is looking...
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    When to remove the air layer?

    I air layered a maple early spring (over 8 weeks ago) and the bag is starting to fill with roots. Some are busting through the bag now so I'm not sure that if I wait too long it could be damaging to the air layer. Can air layers be removed in the summer and potted? I probably have a few more...
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    Collection of Bonsai from Home Depot nursery

    Wanted to share some of my trees that all came from regular nursery stock from Home Depot. I'm going into my 3rd year now. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks Green velvet boxwood. 3 years in training Juniper made this year from $7, 1 gallon Before and after of a juniper I...
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    Firethorn? Almost 1 year progress

    I'm not sure if this is a firethorn. I was told it was but not sure. I got it last July and let it grow freely only pruning it back a few times. It seems to be a fast grower and is starting to develop a nice shape. First purchased July 2012 March 2013 April 2013 Let...
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    Question on root bound boxwoods

    I have a boxwood that is severly rootbound. I popped it out and it looks like a weave basket of roots. I should of repotted it this spring but I didn't know it would fill up the nursery pot in one season. Lesson learned not to leave them in a nursery pot for more than a year. It hasn't grown...
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    Bonsai for under 11 dollars.

    I took a trip to the local bonsai nursery for some inspiration. My dad found this ficus Benjamina and I thought it had some potential. So we picked a small 4" pot for it and potted it today. The trunk has some nice gental taper to it. I think it's going to have a bright future. I'm a little...
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    cham kosteri cypress 1 Year Progress pictures.

    This cypress is from home depot stock. It actually had a wish bone trunk in the shape of a U. If I knew what I was doing I would of left the other side to thicken the base, but I got this when I started out 1 year ago. Spring 2012 Stick in a pot Summer 2012: I starting thinking about putting...
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    5 gallon HomeDepot Boxwood

    Hi. This is my second summer of bonsai. This hobby really becomes an obsession, but anyway I found this boxwood at homedepot. I actually didn't buy it the first day I saw it. A few weeks later it was still there so I thought let me get it because the trunk seemed pretty good as some boxwoods...
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