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  1. B

    The ID game

    oh and I should add , the tree and I both come from, and live in central Massachusetts,
  2. B

    The ID game

    So about 8 years ago, at my job we were clearing out some land. The Skid-steer was brought in, and it was chugging along with the bucket in the ground. When I noticed something; and I reached down, and literally ripped this tree out of the ground. Right before the bucket took out it’s parent...
  3. B

    The Accent (Companion) Plant Thread

    Okay, okay, third attempt. My apologies; these are the pics I was trying to post, not sure why they didn’t pop up last time, perhaps I was roaming. on a side note, I had to laugh, ABCarve ‘s rose is older than any of my attempted Bonsais all together and his Trident Maple accent looks more like...
  4. B

    Help with identifying trees

    The two needle; I’m no expert, but could it be a Scott’s Pine?
  5. B

    The Accent (Companion) Plant Thread

    These pics were supposed to be included with my post
  6. B

    The Accent (Companion) Plant Thread

    Never really tried planting a accent plant before, so I kinda gave it a shot this season. It was pretty spontaneous and I planted them in litter. I was landscaping at the time and just used the closest thing to a container I could find. Don’t know about you all, but I really enjoyed this sedum...
  7. B

    Nervous about winter protection

    Sorry if you thought of these things already. But, if your garage is attached to your house place it next to the wall that the house is on. I would also keep it propped up off the floor like put some 2x4’s below it. I live in New England and keep my trees on a farmers porch ( no insulation on...
  8. B

    Repot dwarf jade?

    Nice, I have a baby/dwarf jade off of BonsaiWest about 2-3 years ago, it’s great, I love it. Although my jade is prob about the size of your lowest branch about 7-8”. Blue pot as well, same thing with the roots; had to cut about 3/4’s of it off ( cause it was a cutting, maybe even a cutting of...
  9. B

    Would you wait to change soil?

    I don’t know why this didn’t come to me sooner. But, this thought popped in my head last night; when I first started using this site I went by the name BonsaiWilly, but I lost the password to the site and, and also to the email I was using at the time. So I couldn’t access it any more...
  10. B

    Would you wait to change soil?

    Well, I’m sorry I didn’t Follow up with an update for you all sooner. Life just got kind of hectic. But, unfortunately I did loose the tree, I would have liked to have tried a heating mat. Unfortunately do to the pandemic one did not come soon enough. I let it sit under the light, would have...
  11. B

    Would you wait to change soil?

    Well the site is called BonsiNut... And I was assuming the creators of that name were referring to loons and not edibles or reproductive organs when they chose that name. so not surprised to run into one. And for the record I wasn’t questioning the lamp I was questioning the spectrum of the...
  12. B

    Would you wait to change soil?

    So my Serissa has had a rough life, back in the fall, it took a fall; my wife caught it with her purse, and hurled it down the stairs. It was knocked out of it’s pot, and broke a major branch reducing it by almost half. I put it back in it’s pot with the same soil which was fairly new, I had...
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