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  1. woodstock

    Need help choosing a pot!

    Picked up this Jade Bonsai and last night the winds picked up and knocked it over and out of its training pot with all of the soil along with it... since I have to basically repot it now anyways I was going to put it in something that fits its style and now I'm stuck. Any suggestions on styles?
  2. woodstock

    Little Red/Tan bugs in my soil

    Hey all! Orange County Juniper nana and I have little red/tan bugs (very tiny) scurrying around in the soil (can't see too many on the tree itself). Recommended pesticide or solutions?? Don't want to loose this tree especially to some little critters that may be eating away at it! I acquired...
  3. woodstock

    What do you do with your dead bonsai?

    So seeing as how "most" of us lose a mallsai or two before catching on to the fact that there is much more to the craft than just looking at it, I thought I would present this unique question. What are some unique things that you have done with your dead bonsai? Anyone do aquascaping...
  4. woodstock

    Juniper Round 2

    So after a year, I sadly lost my "mallsai" juniper that I had moved from Phoenix to SoCal. I have been working mainly on educating myself over the past year before moving on to another bonsai. But now I have another nana but this time from House of Bonsai. (Place seems great, very helpful...
  5. woodstock

    Phoenix, AZ Juniper Newly Acquired

    I recently acquired this Juniper and I have a few concerns about it that I am still trying to figure out (been working with bonsai off and on for years and never took it seriously until now). First, I can't quite determine what kind of Juniper it is but I think it is a Juniperus procumbens...
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