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  1. S

    Tree Identification

    Hi I was wondering if someone would be able to help me identify this tree? I think it is a type of oak, but am not sure. Thanks! Kind Regards Daniel
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    Need help to understand this ...

    Need help to understand this (pic attached) ... Hi guys I am developing a Japanese Maple from nursery stock and I came across this comment from a website online: :eek: I've just started developing the main branches, last year was the initial trunk chop. I've noticed I do have some...
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    Question about backbudding

    Hi guys Firstly, thanks for all the previous answers, I think my knowledge is finally starting to get to a point where can know how to develop a naturalistic bonsai :) I had one question that I can't seem to find a definitive answer for. Its probably an obvious one, but just want to make sure...
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    Pinching Back Health of Tree Question

    Hi guys I just had a question. If I'm developing a new tree, and I am letting one leader grow out wildly at the top, while pinching back lower branches to prepare/develop them, does the pinching back of some branches affect the health negatively if a leader is being allowed to grow freely...
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    Nebari Front Advise - Japane Maple

    Hi guys I was wanting to get some opinions on what would be the best potential nebari front for this tree. It's a Japanese Maple and I did a trunk chop, so will still introduce movement and taper, hence the top of the tree can be any front as the initial trunk is quite straight. I've got 3...
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    Beginner question about branch pruning

    Hi guys I've been reading an article on and the one thing I don't understand from the pictures below, is if you prune back a branch hard like in the first picture, will it automatically fork into two new branches? Or do you have to cut above 2 buds, and that will create the...
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    Swamp Cypress Ramification Question

    Hi guys I've been trying to find this info on google to no avail :( Is the process for developing ramification on Swamp Cypress branches the same as on normal deciduous trees? As in pinching out new growth will generate back budding of secondary shoots growing off the main branch ... and...
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    Identification help

    Hi guys I know this may be a long shot, but could anyone possibly identify what the below tree / or shrub is? I saw it at a nursery and thought it may be a good candidate for a trunkchop with a low bonsai with a thick trunk - the woman at the nursery said its a durantium, but I may have...
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    Does Trunk Chop Wound Thicken?

    Hi all. I have a bit of a beginner question that I wanted to find out. When you do a trunk chop into a new leader (slanted chop), does that trunk chop wound area thicken up as you grow a new leader. In other words does the cambium there get restored and it starts to add layers as the new leader...
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    Question on Dieback

    Hi all I'm fairly new to starting out on this hobby. I wanted to ask if you do a trunk chop and only get low branches to sprout (below the bottom half of the tree) and didn't get any new leaders this season. If the cambium is still green below the trunk chop, will the tree develop new shoots...
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