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  1. Mark l. Comstock

    Looking for Hinoki Cypress

    Why yes I can, I put an album of about 25 assorted hinokis currently available, take a look. I have some as old as 70 years that are under 5 feet with 10 inch trunks. Many need some thoughfully applied grafts but thats not a big deal. I have many much smaller younger pieces as well. There is a...
  2. Mark l. Comstock

    New tiny Japanese maple coming out of dormancy too soon.. Help!

    Yes I agree, this tree will be just fine.
  3. Mark l. Comstock

    Grafted vs. Non-Grafted

    airlayers on hinokis are not a homerun. Some folks have great success others not so good. It would be an awful feeling to work on a tree for years waiting to airlayer and then to have it die. In the nursery industry the reason hinokis are grafted is because immediately after grafting they will...
  4. Mark l. Comstock

    New tiny Japanese maple coming out of dormancy too soon.. Help!

    swollen buds this time of year is normal for acer palmatum in our zone. If the buds start breaking out that would be a bit of concern. It looks just right to me
  5. Mark l. Comstock

    Looking for Hinoki Cypress

    hinokis from pre-bonsai mark i just loaded some attached photos of my hinokis, I have Nanas, nana compactas and regular compactas. I have some nice 2 to 3 inched trunked compactas cutting grown in the $200 range, I have some nana compactas cutting grown with 8 to 10 inch trunks about 48 inches...
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