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  1. MichaelS

    Kotobuki seedling.

    This clone is a seedling from kotobuki with extra-short needles which don't seem to get any longer so far and without any dwarfing techniques. It is grafted onto a BP seedling. I might try to graft a piece of it onto another BP stock to see if it changes.
  2. MichaelS

    How to correctly season bonsai tools.

    Bury in moist soil for at least 3 years. Then ok to use....
  3. MichaelS

    ''Paul's Scarlet'' hawthorn

    This is called Paul's Scarlet here but I'm not convinced. Do the UK growers know better? Is there really a red one? Anyway, it gives me great pleasure this time of year. It has very little in the way of new extending shoots these days. Maybe 4 or 5 each year. It's about 30 years old or so.
  4. MichaelS

    Camellia lutchuensis

    This tree has shocking roots but the rest is nice enough. Thinking of layering for a multi trunk at the obvious place? It's about 30cm high.
  5. MichaelS

    Arctostaphylos densiflora 'howard mcminn' information needed

    I bought two of these recently because I like the bark and leaves on them but I have never grown them. Questions.... How do they repot? What are their soil requirements? Anything else I should be aware of?
  6. MichaelS

    White flowering quince

    About 35 years old. Chaenomeles speciosa
  7. MichaelS

    Breaking the bonsai mold with Pinus sylverstris Argentea

    And with the back part covered. (still unwired) Yes? No? Maybe not......
  8. MichaelS

    2 interesting seedlings.

    This first is from a batch of red pines sown more than 10 years ago. I believe it may be a black pine/red pine cross. The bark is somewhat that of a red, the buds in winter are red, the needles are stiff and sharp but still soft compared with true black pine. But the outstanding feature is the...
  9. MichaelS

    What would you do with this piece of.......material?

    sylvestris ''Jeremy'' I will consider anything. It's not quite bad enough to throw away - but close....
  10. MichaelS

    Kamagata spring 2021

  11. MichaelS

    2 Hawthorns

    First is Paul's Scarlet - not really scarlet though is it... And this was known as C. pyracanthifolia horizontalis but I believe it may be C. crus-galli. Who knows? Definitely horizontal growth habit.
  12. MichaelS

    Chinese quince 2021

  13. MichaelS

    New fancy pot for old Lebanese Cedar

    I acquired this tree as a swap for a wisteria. It was 40 years old then. That was <> 10 years ago. JUST NOW beginning to bark up! I have removed 3 very large old branches over the last few years and flattened the top. Looks a bit more like a cedar rather than a pine tree now. Round tops for the...
  14. MichaelS

    European Hornbeam group

    After a quick trim. It has taken a while to get the various sizes from cuttings. They are all the same clone. Finally starting to shape up. As a silhouette it gives a better idea... Sorry a bit out of focus.
  15. MichaelS

    Cork elm

    It's starting to get the shape I had in mind. The lower branches will remain minor ones
  16. MichaelS

    Some juniper maintenance.

    It needed a trim and was screaming for a round pot. Root connected from a layering
  17. MichaelS

    Chinese elm

    It was originally cut down from a large nursery tree and had a tall trunk which was layered off a few years ago. Starting to mature now... Unfortunately the trunk is hollow which will slow down it's thickening in some areas.
  18. MichaelS

    Cork bark elm one year on

    Each year I more year... The plan was always to have a wide flattish top and short low branches (as per below) - that's why it's a bit ''top heavy''
  19. MichaelS

    A really bad picture of a trident in colour.

    The colour this year's not so good because I brought it back into the sun too late. Let that be a lesson.
  20. MichaelS

    Golden Elm. Autumn 2020

  21. MichaelS

    Some small pines.

    Japanese red pine. Thinned plucked and re-worked. Black pine / Red pine hybrid? Just adjusting the main lines at this point. Before... After.... Scots pine ''Hillside creeper'' Second wiring... Scots
  22. MichaelS

    Another scotts pine

    This one is a normal scotts with a semi-dwarf variety grafted onto the branches - hence the short needles. This makes the branches coarser than normal but I'm hoping that I can reduce that with conscientious bud thinning, needle pulling infrequent water and mild starvation. Yes the pot is too...
  23. MichaelS

    Scotts pine

    After needle pulling and a bit of arranging. I'm pretty happy with the way it's headed so far.
  24. MichaelS

    Japanese Red Pine (not a bonsai)

    I've had this tree since just after it was grafted over 30 years ago. It is about 6 feet high. Pinus densiflora pendula. It has never been wired only pinched and pruned and the odd branch tied down with string. It's starting to display the character that red pines are so famous for - bark! Hope...
  25. MichaelS


    Well I saw it last night. It gives my great hope for the future of American cinema. A flawless masterpiece. The best movie I have seen for many years.
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