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  1. tamakwe

    Root grafting a Utah Juniper?

    I collected a Utah Juniper a while back that was growing on a steep hillside. The tree is about 8 inches thick at the base, and right now about 2 1/2 feet high. Its trunk was buried in mud over the years, and as a result, the roots start about 12 inches below the soil. The tree is awesome above...
  2. tamakwe

    How to get better at advanced design.

    I've been doing bonsai for a long time, and I've gotten great at the horticultural and technical aspects. But advanced styling is still largely a mystery to me. I know all the basic rules and can style a decent tree, but I'm always impressed with what more advanced members can do with the mature...
  3. tamakwe

    New to California Juniper collecting...

    I started bonsai when I was a kid about 15 years ago and had a lot of great mentors. Within a few years, my entire collection was made of of mature trees I had collected in the Northeast from the wild. Most of the men in my family were hunters and a couple were foresters, so I knew a lot of...
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