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  1. jk_lewis

    How stupid and ill-informed can we get?

    Lots of room, apparently. From NPR: and . . .
  2. jk_lewis

    Carolina Bonsai Expo

    I had time for a very few photos before we took our trees and went home. It was, as usual, a great show. Maybe folks can add to this thread. I'll start with my little tree -- windswept trident raft. Walter said he liked it very much. That is followed by a very nice black pine, a landscape...
  3. jk_lewis

    For beginners or those who don't have the patience . . .

    . . . here is the solution, and one that should eliminate all the lazy questions about "shortcuts" in bonsai:
  4. jk_lewis

    Overgrown willow leaf

    Here's what happens when you ignore a Ficus too long over a hot, sunny summer. Not certain I have the energy to defoliate this mess; a trim may have to do it. That'll put the defoliation off until later - or for someone else.
  5. jk_lewis

    Cherry Dazzle crape myrtle

    This tree took a helluva beating over the last winter. I cut it back to stubs, repotted, fertilized, then watched it struggle. Assuming we don't repeat this next winter, it may be making it. I even added a bit of wire this afternoon (a sight to behold with my shaking hands!) More wiring...
  6. jk_lewis

    Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

    I've had a few of these, but I live at the utmost southern part of their survival regime, and the heat tends to do 'em in eventually. I keep this one out of all sunlight. The pot is local. I found the stone in Alaska. 6 inches from pot rim.
  7. jk_lewis

    Blue Rug Juniper

    I got this tree in September of 2013 from the "emergency ward" at a local nursery. Someone had tried to lift it in its pot by its trunk and had yanked it out of the soil, ripping away a lot of root. The nursery folks had jammed it back into the pot and dragged it to the back of the lot. It is...
  8. jk_lewis

    Blue Rug Juniper

    duplicate post - sorry
  9. jk_lewis

    Trident raft - summer

    Someone want to see my trident windswept raft in summer where it had leaves. Here it is, but as I've said, summer is not its best viewing season.
  10. jk_lewis

    Landscape of leftovers

    We all have our collections of ugly plants -- leftover cuttings, seedlings that grew funny, etc. I usually just toss them out into the yard and let the lawnmower take care of them next go around. But I have something of a soft spot for crape myrtles, even the hideous ones. Here are 7 trees (9...
  11. jk_lewis

    My only figgies

    Dunno the fate of these when I'm gone. No one around here grows tropicals (and I only have these two) -- at least no one I'd trust with an old bonsai. My daughter, who (with the granddaughter) is with us for a year, but otherwise lives in Florida, may be convinceable. We'll see. These looked...
  12. jk_lewis

    A loooong time

    We're celebrating a big milestone today. Jackie and I have been married for 55 years! Wow! Of course, there were times . . . . :rolleyes:
  13. jk_lewis


    I usually keep my two Podocarpus outside over the winter (and the large one stayed there his year simply because it is a 2-man tree and I only count for 1/2 these days ). This year, however, I kept this one inside. I stuck it in the shower for 10 minutes every 2 weeks. It seemed to like it...
  14. jk_lewis

    Waka ebisu

    I've been working on this tree since 1998. Although it has had to be pretty much ignored over the last year or two, it looks like 2015 may be a nice year for it. When last measured, it stood about 11.5 inches above the pot rim. I can't seem to find my earlier pictures, but don't let anyone...
  15. jk_lewis

    New maple

    I know, I know . . . I've been getting RID of trees right and left. But driving in Hendersonville this morning I saw a crudely hand lettered sign -- "Japanese maples" -- and an arrow pointing down a side street. Foot on brake, turning steering wheel -- all before I realized what I was doing...
  16. jk_lewis

    Oak galls

    We don't seem to have a "bugs and critters" forum here, so . . . Ahh spring. It's the time for new green leaves on the oaks in your yard and on your tables, AND it's the time for oak galls to show up. Google can tell you a lat about various plant galls. Here in NC we have...
  17. jk_lewis

    Only elm

    Chinese elms are not my favorite tree, but I have the obligatory single tree (and, of course, some small cuttings). I've been working this one several years now (since 2008 or 2009), and I'm not happy with it. It stands about 13 inches from pot rim. I solicit suggestions. First pic is the...
  18. jk_lewis

    Juniper Literati

    I posted this here fairly recently, but I just wasted 20 minutes trying to find it. Unsuccessfully. Did some more work. Thinned out the top, added a couple of nice stones (one of them a repurposed suiseki) and touched it up with lime sulfur (it'll look better when the LS application ages a...
  19. jk_lewis

    FORCING a hawthorne . . .

    . . . to do what it most assuredly does NOT want to do -- weep. I am a true advocate of allowing a tree to tell me what IT wants to do, but this on told me it just wanted to be a boring straight arrow growing at a slant. And . . . at the time I was thinking about weeping trees, so . . . I'm...
  20. jk_lewis

    Japanese Crabapple

    This little tree is a result of a workshop Bill V offered here at the NC Arboretum in 2008 or 09. It is actually three trees (at the time, 3 seedlings) with fused trunks. I clamped them together with 2 or 3 zip ties, then let them grow. They'd pretty much fused in 2 years. This pic was taken...
  21. jk_lewis

    Trident repot

    A raft. Repotted this spring. Pot is old Chinese, found in a "antique shoppe."
  22. jk_lewis

    J. virginiana - formal upright

    Unfortunately, this is one of those trees that is almost impossible to photograph. It designed to be tall and thin, so you just can't get in on it for any detail if you want it to fit on anyone's screen. Anyway, 6 years ago, it looked like a bush on my farm here in western NC. After a year...
  23. jk_lewis

    For serious bookies

    I'm starting to unload my collection of bonsai books. I'm a hopeless book collector, anyway, and over the last 20 or so years, I've scoured storefront and online bookstores for bonsai books as well until I owned almost everything written in English on the subject. I've been giving them away...
  24. jk_lewis

    Marking Forums Read

    Do we really need that confirmation box after we click on "Mark Forums Read?" Nothing is being lost forever; the threads all still exist, so if you'd been asleep and clicked it by "mistake" you COULD find them again. It is just a rather annoying extra step.
  25. jk_lewis

    Why should we care?

    In another thread someone quoted Colin Lewis as saying: “Last weekend's Noelanders Trophy in Belgium attracted three thousand visitors. They lined up as if it was opening time at the mall on Black Friday. Why do we not see this happen in the USA? Any suggestions?” MY question is . . . Why...
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