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  1. Rose Mary

    Boxwood Collection and ID Help

    not boxwood
  2. Rose Mary

    Hurricane Michael

    Praying for everyone affected by this hurricane. Cannot imagine living there and seeing everything gone... Fortunately not many lives lost. Homes and bonsai collections not so fortunate. Hope Vin is safe. Blessings sent
  3. Rose Mary

    First Colorado Blue.

    Adair, so with many of my collected sitka spruce having a lot of buds closer to the trunk... is it ok to trim back to those now? I let the earlier buds run and would like to shorten the branches back to where the new buds have formed. The big colorado has put new growth into pushing the early...
  4. Rose Mary

    Truce. That $5 Alberta.

    oh drat, In july it appeared so green. :(
  5. Rose Mary

    Truce. That $5 Alberta.

    unfortunately I have too many conifers that look oakish under my care?? is there recovery from this?
  6. Rose Mary

    First Colorado Blue.

    Adair, yes I did exactly that in years past and appreciate you clarifying when to do this. I just let it go this year as it was showing weakness and figured it was on its way out like the other. I kept it watered and fed but didn't expect much. It has pushed new buds and growth and looks...
  7. Rose Mary

    European Spruce #29

    thank you for sharing a lovely transformation!
  8. Rose Mary

    Dawn Redwood Boring insect?

    i lost a chinese fringe this year....had bore holes. turned out there were numerous holes. found shiny black butts. followed some tunnels, they went deep and long. I didn't know why the tree was weak this spring, died rather quickly. 2 other fringe trees unaffected. don't know if i could have...
  9. Rose Mary

    Truce. That $5 Alberta.

    yay it survived! :)
  10. Rose Mary

    Boxwood Pest ID + Treatment?

    oh no, hope it is not a borer like the ones that just took out one of my chinese fringe trees! Do you have round holes that don't have a black shiny butt at the entrance? I did an autopsy on my fringe cause the roots still looked white and healthy but the tree all but dead. Found some shiny...
  11. Rose Mary

    Pinus Nigra "Oregon Green"

    you did it faster than me, lol. took me 5 years to kill one of 2 i bought after xmas at lowes one year. in total sticky clay when i got them. one is still alive and looking better but still on the way out .
  12. Rose Mary

    Fringe Tree

    Leo, I posted in the general forum yesterday, perhaps the wrong place. I just lost one of the fringe was later budding out than the others, then weakly put out some small leaves before losing its life... The roots were healthy and strong like a boxwood so I looked further into its...
  13. Rose Mary

    Chinese Fringe dead, autopsy results

    One of the 3 chinese fringe trees I have had over 12 years gave up the ghost this year. It started budding out with the others, weakly and didn't finish. Today I pulled it out of the colander to check roots. They were thick and healthy but the branches were starting to dry out. Upon close...
  14. Rose Mary

    woolly hemlock adelgid found some of these on the underside of one of my doug firs....on the underside of the needles. looked like little white fuzzy balls. On the opposite side of the needle it is turning yellow where they are sucking sap.... interesting not on the nearby hemlocks...
  15. Rose Mary

    maple id?

    Thank you for your id thoughts. I believe after looking at photos of ukigumo that it is indeed an Ukigumo! Thank you. I have had it for many years, got it at a nursery closeout sale and it had no leaves. all the nursery worker knew that it was a japanese maple of some sort. It is quite healthy...
  16. Rose Mary

    maple id?

  17. Rose Mary

    Truce. That $5 Alberta.

    one of my sumo dwarf albertas. mistakes I made as a newcomer to the art....making a conifer look like an oak! rats cant seem to get the rotated images, over to here, sorry
  18. Rose Mary

    Truce. That $5 Alberta.

    I think an RIP may be in order.
  19. Rose Mary

    Fagus sylvatica video timelapse 2007/2016

    thank you for sharing your progression. Taking time to document the changes. Gives me ideas on what to do to mine that have gotten too tall
  20. Rose Mary

    Women in bonsai

    that is kinda gross!
  21. Rose Mary

    Cannabis Bonsai

    ah how much things have changed in 10 years! I never thought I would be able to grow cannabis legally in my lifetime lol or legally buy it in a store...
  22. Rose Mary

    Some Little Tree in the Philippines

    welcome back and look forward to your trees.
  23. Rose Mary

    The Controversial Topic of Deciduous "Pine Styled" Bonsai Trees

    before and after photos please
  24. Rose Mary

    Nursery Stock Juni

    bet you are thinking well that was fun...while it lasted... you ready to go back and get another tomorrow? lol
  25. Rose Mary

    Tips for my juniper procumbens nana

    love it, watch it grow and the most important to learn to keep it alive! Read, read and study the hows and whys. Not to overwater or underwater. And when it dies get another. Enjoy your journey which is just beginning. There is so much reading and knowledge and threads here. Spend a lot of time...
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