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  1. K

    Did I over do the root prune on my Firethorn?

    I nrecon it's probably dead. This is not a good time of year to start re-potting trees, could you not have left it to the spring time? The only thing to do now is to put it into a plastic bag and keep it in the shade, leave for two weeks before checking and hope for the best.
  2. K

    Penjing a little beauty

    All very philosophical but I find that I prefer the description set out in something like Wikipedia. If we all go off using different words to describe the same thing confusion will be the result. Lets all stick to the accepted definition of styles.
  3. K

    Penjing a little beauty

    Why are you calling this tree a Penjing? this word surely describes a tray scenery or a tree with a rocky outcrop. Penjing is not a tree size.
  4. K

    Crape myrtle progression

    I like the three trees you show very much indeed, Well done.
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