
  1. P

    Just got my first Bonsai (Desert Rose)

    Hello everyone! My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite. 1-...
  2. Bonsai Buddy

    Need help for a new adenium arabicum owner.

    Hi all! I just bought my Mom an adenium arabicum as a gift, she has always wanted a desert rose. We intend on growing it as a bonsai, but until next spring it will be in a nursery pot. But while we have rudimentary knowledge of non succulent bonsai neither one of us has any experience with...
  3. R

    Grafting Desert Rose

    Hey Guys, i got pretty intrested in Desert Roses (Adenium) recently. I have read that Oleander and Adenium are somehow related and some people graft Oleander onto Adenium Rootstocks. Now i am very curious if that would work the other way around too but i could find nothing about that.. My Idea...
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