air layers

  1. C

    Early signs an Airlayer won’t root

    Hello! I’m a long time lurker and have very much appreciated the advice found on this forum! I decided to try air layering three different trees about a month ago. I know it’s better to begin the process a little earlier in the season but the trees only found me last month and I live in the...
  2. RJG2

    Earwigs and air layers

    Wondering if anyone has run into this before, or if I should actually be worried/super annoyed. I checked an air layer the other day, and it had good callus, but no roots. Fine, great, leave it on/re-scar/re-wrap you might say. But there were a half dozen or so earwigs in there. Did some...
  3. BonsaiLoudon

    Where to airlayer my maple tree?

    Hi all, I've never airlayered before, but I think it would be fun to create a bonsai more or less in the style of my maple in the front yard. Plus, I figured it would be a good first try at air-layering next spring. What I'm not sure of is how ambitious I can be with trunk diameter but also...
  4. Clapin819

    Air layers questions

    Hi there , fairly new to bonsai and I have a couple questions here. I wanted to know what type of tree this was ? Secondly, I was wondering if its too late in the season for an air layer ? I live close to Ottawa Canada, witch is a Zone 5. So I was wondering if it was too late in the summer to...
  5. Baku1875

    Baku's consolidated bougainvilleas progression thread

    Consolidating all my bougies into 1 thread so it's easier to update and easier for people to view and comment on these projects, and so it doesn't look like I'm spamming too much because I'm procuring a lot of bougies in the past few weeks (more to come as well), fast approaching 20! (now around...
  6. S

    Air Layering and Checking for Roots

    I'm trying to air layer my Japanese Maple tree and I want to check for roots. However, the person that helped me used black duck tape around the bag, so taking the tape off will tear the bag. FYI, please don't let the camera distract anyone.
  7. Pachycaul

    Air Layering Pinus edulis

    Since @PiñonJ asked for it:eek:! As posted earlier in 'Air layering a short needled pine in Southern Louisiana,' this is my second attempt to layer a branch of mature wood from a native pinon. In addition to the documented difficulty of layering pines in general, this particular tree is...
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