
  1. C

    What to do for bonsais in cold Alberta winters

    Hello All! Just started doing bonsais this summer. I now I have several junipers in pots and also a Japanese maple. Not sure how to look after these plants for the winter as the temperatures can go down to - 40° centigrade with wind chill. Any suggestions? Was thinking of bringing them down...
  2. D

    Where to order in Canada

    Hey all! New-ish to bonsai, was wondering if there’s any stores or online that will ship to Canada. I live in Alberta and my local nurseries just doesn’t have anything other than ficus. Mainly looking for shimpakus and Japanese pines.
  3. vonklutch

    My poor trees.

    Hi everyone, new here, new in general I like what you've done with the place. I am the owner of two very sad little trees who have suffered a mix of abuse, and I'm trying to help them pull through. Long story short, my wife and I recently purchased a house in the country and in our first year...
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