black pine airlayer air layering

  1. B

    Nursery stock 4' Japanese Black Pine Yatsubusa pre bonsai development

    Hi everyone, new to the forum but have enjoyed following the conversations here for some time! I picked up a couple JBP 'yatsubusa' about 4' in 10 g pots from one of my local nurseries, for those local to BC, I think they might be from Pacific Northwest Propagators (at least the tag looks like...
  2. J

    Black Pine Air Layering

    #1 Can you air layer black pine? #2 Can you explain the process or is it the same process as any other air layer? Thanks for your help Backstory: I purchased a large black pine for cost at a local nursery that had some great trunk movement. I will need to do a truck chop on it early...
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