
  1. trigo

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Trigo's Pitanga (Eugenia Uniflora, Surinam Cherry, Brazil Cherry) - Progress Thread

    Starting late into the challenge, but better late than never right? This is a pitanga yamadori collected on march of 2023, it was left on the ground to recover for 4 months, while on the ground it growed capilary roots closer to the trunk and sprouted some branches bellow the first trunk chop...
  2. Clicio

    BRT_Nuts - Important info about Brazilian Raintree Cultivars

    For all of you that like Brazilian Rain Trees, after some research and info exchanges with @leatherback and others, I have found out that some BRT cultivars are really interesting. Maybe they are restricted to Brazil only, but I think this info below could help somehow. 1-) First a regular BRT...
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