browning needles

  1. J

    Bonsai still salvageable?

    I posted a while ago of a Nana Juniper with some browning issues. I was given some tips and advice, and was going to apply them the day after. However, I had an emergency and I have not touched it for the last few days. Is this tree still salvageable? Any assistance much appreciated...
  2. gustakasn0v

    Japanese Black Pine needle browning

    Hi BonsaiNut crowd, Hoping to get some help from you as a new Bonsai owner. I’ve been growing this JBP from seed since Aug 2021, repotted in March 2022 as the roots were outgrowing the tiny seedling pot. It’s been healthy this entire time, but I went on holiday last Friday and came back Sunday...
  3. D

    Browning needles on recently collected White Pine (assumed)

    Hello, New to Pine Bonsai to the degree that I am not sure about species I collected about 5 weeks ago. I have collected them (yamadori) in Maine and put them in pots in my garden in Boston mid June, 2021. Right now, about 5 weeks later, two of them show some brown needles. Those are pines in...
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