
  1. apic92

    Buy a tree in Japan, leave it there

    Hi folks, I am doing some research about the Bonsai market and thought I would ask the community here to discussed some topics. Open-ended question to avoid any bias :) Here is the first one. I am wondering what do you guys think about buying a tree at a Japanese bonsai garden, in Japan...
  2. pstaboche

    Sourcing Akadama in Maryland

    This is my first Spring practicing bonsai and I'm wondering where everyone gets their soil supplies from? Last Summer I bought pumice and akadama from ebay and was not impressed by it's quality. I want to buy in bulk, none of those small 2 quart bags. I'm also curious what size akadama I should...
  3. pstaboche

    Sourcing Akadama in Maryland

    This is my first Spring practicing bonsai and I'm wondering where everyone gets their soil supplies from? Last Summer I bought pumice and akadama from ebay and was not impressed by it's quality. I want to buy in bulk, none of those small 2 quart bags. I'm also curious what size akadama I should...
  4. pstaboche

    Sourcing Akadama in Maryland

    This is my first Spring practicing bonsai and I'm wondering where everyone gets their soil supplies from? Last Summer I bought pumice and akadama from ebay and was not impressed by it's quality. I want to buy in bulk, none of those small 2 quart bags. I'm also curious what size akadama I should...
  5. Tums

    Should I buy this Stewartia?

    Came across this five gallon Stewartia pseudocamellia yesterday while out at a nursery. The price is $95 and the tree is slightly taller than me, so I would say 6-7 feet. Pros: Can see some radially arranged surface roots and the trunk is pretty thick at the base (forgot to measure but would...
  6. rollwithak

    Where do you buy online???

    Hey Bonsai Community. Forgive if there is a thread similar to this but I was unable to find. I wanted to get people's opinions and suggestions about sites online that are helpful and good when it comes to ordering supplies from basic materials all the way to bonsai specific hardware. So...
  7. BeebsBonsai

    Seedlings/Saplings for little cost (I will pay shipping)

    Hello everyone, I am posting here as someone who has a very small bonsai collection, all of which are still in the developmental stage, and am looking to broaden my collection with some very young starters that I can work all the way up to mature trees over the course of my life...
  8. Cory Johnson

    WTB Elm and Maple pre-bonsai

    Living in orlando it's hard to find any elm or maple (pre)bonsai in the area that are somewhat affordable for someone working a minimum wage job like myself, anyone know of some good places to look or does anyone have any they would be willing to part with?
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