
  1. D

    Help - Trident Maple Disease

    Hello all, I have a trident maple thats very dear to me that is sick and i cant solve it. I've tried a few things that have been sugested to me - I treated it with a spray for fungus as instructed on its lable and added a fortifying mixture that is sold here in Portugal. The tree has been in...
  2. JuniperSol

    I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is wrong with my Ficus

    I own eleven trees. All of them are doing well, prospering, growing, etc. BUT THIS FICUS DEAR GOSH! I only water when it needs, I have made sure it gets good light and not too much, it has been outside for weeks yet continues to lose foliage. I am out of ideas, help me Bonsai Nut, you're my only...
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