
  1. M

    Pinus Sylvestris Trollguld

    My second pine of the day was a gold Scots Pine. The golden color and trunk movement sold me on it. I have tried to read as much as I could on scots pines and still have several questions. The tree is in a 3 gal nursery pot, the trunk is 2.25” at the base and the foliage is on the small side...
  2. W

    Is this normal for Sekka hinoki?

    Hi! I live in Singapore and I’ve just started my bonsai journey yesterday. I purchased a mini sekka hinoki in hope that it’s more manageable than regular sized bonsai. This bonsai was purchased yesterday, and upon studying it at home, I noticed that the lower part of the leaves are brown (see...
  3. Faisal Ahmad

    [WTS] Ixora Mini Dwarf (Red) Bonsai | Blossom | Informal Upright + Triple Trunk Style | H 25 cm

    Hi I want to sell my Bonsai Ixora Mini Dwarf. my base location in indonesia Bonsai Progress : 98 % (only waiting full blossom) Age Tree : 7 years Growth Rate : Slow Soil Type : Peat, Black sand Soil pH : Acidic please PM me if you interested
  4. Faisal Ahmad

    Ixora Mini Dwarf (Red) Bonsai | Blossom | Informal Upright + Triple Trunk Style | H 25 cm

    Hi This is my Bonsai Ixora Mini Dwarf Growth Rate : Slow Soil Type : Peat, Black sand Soil pH : Acidic H : 25 cm please advice for things I can improve. thanks
  5. Sticks 'n' Triangles

    Mame Abies Koreana Piccolo

    Hi guys, my first post! I have been lurking for a while, but decided I could do with some advice. (not sure if this should be in the styling thread or what, but as It's my first post, I stuck it here.) I have this dwarf Korean fir, which I bought back in April, around when I first got into...
  6. Melospiza

    Winter blooms of dwarf Serissa and Yaupon Holly

    My dwarf Yaupon holly and dwarf Serissa 'Kyoto' are bringing some cheer during this Arctic cold snap with their snowy, star-like blossoms. Both are in a pre-bonsai stage, and I may try to work on them this coming growing season. The holly is a male, and I have no female companions for him, so no...
  7. Atom#28

    My other DAS ist gut (dwarf Alberta spruce #2)

    I have this thing in my brain that never allows me to buy just one. So I got two! Here’s the other dwarf Alberta Spruce I have been working on. First bought in winter of 2019/2020. Here’s my progress up to today, with a lot of inspiration from Mr Pall’s work, via recent advice from @BobbyLane...
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