
  1. glass_shark

    Help! Maple possibly dying, unsure the cause.

    Hello all, I hope everyone is well. I have a maple that I got myself for my birthday last year, and its been going strong until recently. I noticed the top leaves looked burnt, they were crispy and fell off when i touched them. fast forward a few days, I've been pulling handfuls of leaves off...
  2. S

    Help! Dying serissa bonsai

    Hi, I purchased a serissa phoetida back in April, its my first bonsai. A month ago the foliage started to turn yellowish but did not fall, and I have not been able to find specific info about how to take care of it. Since then it has slowly worsened. After I bought it, I repotted it and changed...
  3. M

    Please help. Why is my Olive Bonsai Tree Dying?

    I recently purchased an olive bonsai tree for a great deal on Instagram from a small, unknown company. The tree was shipped bare-rooted with sand soil, so I repotted it in the largest bonsai pot I own with an inorganic mix of pumice and akadama. There is still some green under the bark, so there...
  4. P

    Hail Mary Advice for a No Hoper Garnet

    Long story short, how can I revive an acer stump as winter approaches? Open to all suggestions as this one just fell in my lap, but I do think it would be awesome to have a heavily tapered thick trunked red leaf maple I have what seems to be a pretty old and oft injured acer palmatum- garnet...
  5. Unearthed

    Advice on very old Azalea bush

    Hi All, I have this Azalea bush in my yard that I believe has a lot of potential to be a very unique, old bonsai with a few years of rehab. I live in 5b, but this bush is planted right next to the house in a brick built-in garden box... been here long before I bought the house. I think due to...
  6. E

    Update on Dying Ficus - March to October

    Hello! I originally posted about my ficus I repotted at the end of Feb, and how it was quickly declining after the repot. I had some wonderful advice from here about getting a grow lamp ASAP, and it kept the little lad alive. I come back to you after 7 months with an update after a full growing...
  7. F

    Ficus struggling after repotting

    I repotted a few of my ficus burtt Davyi Bonsai within the last week. I removed a few of the long roots on each of the trees that were wrapping around & around the pot. All the trees seem to be doing well except for 1 of them. The leaves are drying out & wilting, about 60% of the leaves seem...
  8. O

    What’s happening and how can I save it?

    Forgive me if this has been covered before. Please, could anyone help tell me what’s going on here (see pics)? About 4-5 days ago I noticed some of the leaves on one side had turned v dark (almost black). I initially thought it might be sun burn - Id left it out too long in the sun one...
  9. K

    One of these things is not like the other!

    So this is my second season raising my bonsai plants. You can see my little setup. This summer though I purchased a trident maple in Harrisburg, PA and drove it down to where I live in Fort Knox, KY. I kept the maple in full sun, no cover and watered it when the soil dried out. I noticed the...
  10. H

    Help! Bug ID? Bonsai suffering

    I’ve had this Chinese elm bonsai for several years now, and it has always been a quick grower and looks lovely. Last year I had a major spider mite infestation which took me most of the summer to eradicate. So I’ve been keeping a close eye on it and I’ve noticed theses tiny white bugs? (I’m...
  11. A

    Podocarpus Macrophyllus dry leaves - where is problem?

    Hi, I´m new to bonsai. I got this podocarpus. It was 3 months alright, but now it is getting dry leaves(needles). That leaves are drying from the top. I´m wattering that tree 2-3 times per week and little fertilized once per month. I have it near the window on north/east side. Where is problem...
  12. M


    I am new to growing satsuki bonsai, id appreciate knowledge and teaching but please no disrespecting in the thread. I got satsuki starters and got excited and bought a medium sized satsuki to and grow. I repotted the medium satsuki and the next two days it started wilting and the leaves...
  13. L

    Azalea dying??? Winter Australia

    Hi everyone, I am new to bonsais and was gifted a Satsuki Azalea bonsai on Valentines Day. The tree is a cutting and I have had it for about 4 months. It is currently winter in Australia and I am not sure if my tree is dead or not. The leaves have started to go brown and the stems are dry and...
  14. O

    Dwarf Hinoki Cypress turning brown!! HELP!!!

    I received this bonsai as a gift a year ago now and things were going really well. Coming up to winter in Australia and I’ve only just realised (I should’ve noticed earlier I know) that one side is turning completely brown and dry! Is there anyway to save the plant? I love it a lot and feel...
  15. R

    Help! My bonsai is dying

    Hello! My ex gave me this bonsai, but she only told me to water it every 3-5 days. I've been doing some research and I think it's a boxwood species, but now I'm desperately trying to save it :( I tried putting some crushed eggshells on the soil but it doesn't look any better. Could someone...
  16. sLeepLess

    Reaching Out for 2nd Opinions

    Hello Everyone, I am obviously new to Bonsai Nut. I most likely have used this site in the past when searching for information but i use any and all sources available to me so i never settled down. If i used your knowledge before, it was just one among many but; Thank you! I suppose i am...
  17. G

    Japanese Black Pine Help—is it dying?

    Hi all, I'm admittedly a novice at bonsai rearing. My husband received a Japanese Black Pine as a gift, approximately five years old, from a friend. I've been pulling my hair out over trying to keep it alive and have unfortunately realized that I've made several mistakes in caring for it...
  18. Fishtank307

    Bald cypress dying or dead

    I absolutely hate to write this post... I've had this bald cypress since last year. It was one of my favorite trees and I think I messed up pretty bad... It grew very well, had to prune it a couple of times during the growing season. Apart from a spider mite attack during spring, no problems...
  19. B

    Picea Abies dying

    Been growing without issues until recently. Don't know why. Watered 1 - 2 time daily. Any help is appreciated.
  20. E

    Dying white pine bonsai. Please help!

    Hi everyone, I am really worried. I bought this white pine bonsai online (cant even find now which website) as a Christmas present for my husband. It arrived at mid December, when I got it out of the box, needles looked very dry and easily brealing off. But initially I thought it suffered a bit...
  21. Culper Woodhull

    Sarissa not looking so good.

    I bought a Serissa a month ago. Every since I recieved it, I've seen it slowly but surley deteriorate in health. I've been letting it dry out between waterings, I have it about 2 feet from a south facing window. Temperature has been back amd forth. Lowest 70 degrees, highest 78, it's that time...
  22. Celeste

    Failing Ficus

    I started my thread in the chinese elms...but my tree was quickly identified as a ficus (and then of course I remembered that was indeed the correct name). I'm about as beginner as it gets...can you tell? The Elm peoples have been incredibly helpful (see original thread...
  23. Celeste

    HELP! tree dying VERY quickly!

    I've got a Ficus. I've had it for about 6 months...soaking it every 3 days for 5 -10min. I live in Utah so it's VERY dry here. Anyways 2 days ago I watered as usual...then just added new soil to the TOP of it. And that's all I've done....and all the leaves are dropping, the new growth has...
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