eastern redbud

  1. cornfed

    Eastern Redbud: Cornfed Edition

    I saw a cool post from Rocky Mtn Bonsai on the Eastern Redbud, so I decided to give Cercis Canadensis a shot. It was propagated from seed last year. I bought it in a one-gallon pot with 80% pine bark. I potted it on 4/24/2021. Lots of fine roots here. Pattern is radial. Nice...
  2. Deep Sea Diver

    Eastern Redbud Field test - Root work

    Root work Field test on 2 small Eastern Redbuds Ok, I finally dug the 3 small Redbuds from last year out of cold storage. I received each from a TN nursery. After emptying two out of the pot, I recalled cutting the taproots off of each when I planted them up in pots.... 2 were in Boon mix...
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