
  1. Eastern Red Cedar penjing

    Eastern Red Cedar penjing

    Also known as Juniperus Virginiana. This is in a penjing style as opposed to a bonsai. Still needs more styling over time.
  2. vancehanna

    ERC after seasonal growth & clean up

    More work on pulling the main branch and shortening…trimming and wired all the others.
  3. Dead ERC Inspiration Limb

    Dead ERC Inspiration Limb

    Dead ERC in Big Ridge State Park. Shows the tree limb protrusions after the bark has been stripped.
  4. 20190513_185232.jpg


    Collected ERC . Pre-bonsai.
  5. 20190512_171553.jpg


    Eastern Red Cedar and " a few yews" Mother's Day May 12, 2019
  6. CapeCodBonsai

    Eastern Red Cedar to Practice On

    I have no experience with bonsai but, have always appreciated the art. I recently decided to start learning about bonsai in the hope of picking up a new hobby. I’ve read enough posts on this forum to know that ERC makes for poor bonsai material but, figured since I needed some trees to practice...
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