first cut

  1. 9

    My 1st Bonsai - Ficus Microcarpa

    Hi all 👋 I am new to the forum and to the art of bonsai. English is not my main language, so I may be wrong, sorry) Last month, I bought this wonderful ficus at the shopping centre. I approach this hobby responsibly, and I don't want to harm the tree. So I immediately bought Japanese tools...
  2. bonsai_bingo

    [First Post] Design Feedback on Tropicals -- Time to CUT?

    Hello my fellow Nuts This is my first post, I've been reading and learning from the forum for about 2 years now. I think I've covered all the rookie mistakes 😅 (my grow zone is updated and I have pictures). I'm new to Bonsai as well, I was suckered into a kit back in 2018 (one still lives) and...
  3. Trigobontree

    First Chops! Thoughts?

    Did my first chops. Thoughts? Should I go further? Found these at the nursery while browsing. Should of taken before photos. One was a 3ft tall tree (love the peeling bark) and the other was a fairly decent size bush. I forgot the names, I’ll go outside and find the tags once I work up the...
  4. H

    Bougainvillea First Cut

    Picked up yesterday at a local nursery. Good price $14. I just teased the roots a little, replaced some soil, and gave it a prune. Hopefully gets some wiring done next weekend. Deciding on a front still.
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