
  1. Big Country Bonsai

    Nice trunk and hollow on this gum bumelia

    Just collected this tree that I believe to be a Gum Bumelia (Sideroxylon languinosum). It has a nice hollow and great bark as well as what appears to be a infestation of some kind of boring insect. Will try to get that under control and see how the tree develops if it makes it. Haven’t seen it...
  2. Big Country Bonsai

    Help me decide which trees I should collect!

    Looking forward to collecting a few trees this spring! As I am new to bonsai I figured I’d get some input on which ones are worth collecting and which ones are probably not worth the trouble. 1• Buckley oak (Quercus buckleyii) 2• Rusty blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum) 3• Gum bumelia (Sideroxylon...
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