japanese white pine

  1. M

    JWP Catherine Elizabeth project

    Hi all, I just picked up a few pine trees at a local nursery (zone 7B) first of which is a Pinus Parviflora Catherine Elizabeth. I think the trunk had some nice movement and very nice small foliage. It has a pretty thick trunk almost 4 inches at the base and tapers pretty nicely. I am planning...
  2. R

    Cold weather protection for JWP.

    Hello all. I was recently gifted a Japanese white pine bonsai. It is a pretty mature tree. Pictures of it are attached. I live in Washington DC (zone 7a), and we are supposed to be getting some very cold weather early next week. Lows in the single digits down to 3°F, and highs not reaching...
  3. delta6

    Bonsai in SoCal

    Hi! I'm new here but not new when it comes to bonsai as I started when I was still in Asia maybe when I was around 14yo (and I am way older now). Anyway, I would like to specifically ask the people who have experiences with these two specific bonsai species if you guys managed to grow (bonsai or...
  4. A

    Japanese white pine "glauca" meaning?

    I just got my first JWP today as I just came across it on its lonesome at the local garden centre. I am struggling to find out more about the cultivar "glauca". Does anyone have anymore information on it? What exactly is different about it? I have also come across a comment that it is on black...
  5. R

    Japanese White Pine (JWP) Needles Losing Chlorophyll Turning Pale

    Hi All, had this JWP for 3 years and it's been very healthy until now. Once colder fall temps hit, needles started losing chlorophyll and started to turn pale yellow. Needles don't seem to be dead as they're still firmly attached and look different to actual dead needles which are brown and...
  6. M

    Please advice on improving this JWP

    Hi, Looking for some advice on improving this JWP. Got it last summer and fed it well this year. It looks healthy now- thinking about next steps to improve it. What would you do? One thing I plan is to do some root work next spring and repot it with bonsai soil. Can I cut a few big roots -...
  7. Likebull1

    First Japanese White Pine added to my collection today

    I drove three hours West today on a whim to check out a personal collection and came back with this Japanese White Pine. It's not perfect but overall I'm happy with it. The graft scar is super distracting (not sure if there is any way to remedy that but input is appreciated) ,it desperately...
  8. T

    Japanese white pine seedlings (Pinus parviflora)

    Does anyone have a current source for non-grafted Japanese white pine seedlings in the United States? I have seen several other threads from months or years past citing COVID-related supply chain issues and/or importing troubles that have made these more scarce. Any tips on where to find them...
  9. Deep Sea Diver

    Legacy Japanese White Pine

    In November 2018 my Father in Law passed away and a dozen of his trees passed on to us. We had kept these trees during the past two winters, but we did nothing except repot and keep the trees alive for the next year, mostly due to damage and subsequent surgeries from auto accident for 18+...
  10. arjun

    My display at The Winter Silhouette Bonsai Show 2023

    Koren Hornbeam (left), Button Fern (middle), Japanese White Pine over rock (right)
  11. H

    New here, question re JWP 'goldilocks'

    Hello all, It's my first time posting here. Having recently moved to New Haven (zone 6b/7a) from Sydney, I'm now in a position to take up the hobby (addiction?) all over again, and this time I've had the opportunity to work with new material that I couldn't grow very well in zone 10b. I...
  12. L

    Lorax7 JWP #4 progression

    Picked up this Japanese White Pine ‘Fukuzumi’ nursery stock this summer. Up-potted it a little when I got it w/ minimal disturbance of the roots. Pruned one branch to avoid creating inverse taper, wired the first branch, and wired a branch that will eventually be the trunk. I’m aiming to...
  13. L

    Lorax7 JWP #3 progression

    Picked up another Japanese white pine today. Who lets me go shopping at the local nursery? I always seem to come home with another tree. Anywho, this one is a ‘Glauca Brevifoil’ cultivar. Picked it because I think the nebari already has a pretty good start and I’m a sucker for JWPs. Going to...
  14. L

    Lorax7 JWP #2 progression

    Picked up a new tree. Starting a progression thread for it. Haven’t done anything to it yet. This one is a Japanese white pine ‘tanima no yuki’ cultivar. It is grafted, but the graft is quite low to the ground. I'm not sure what the rootstock is. Currently, I'm waiting for the weather to warm...
  15. S

    Dying JWP?

    Hello, I live in seattle, region 8b and i have a Japanese white pine which is maybe 2-3 years old. I got this tree maybe a year ago and it seemed to be doing well until January but it's needles started turning brown thereafter. I was kept in an uncovered section of the patio during the winter...
  16. Apex37

    Nursery JWP?

    Debating on getting this guy, but it may be more work than it's worth. $200 ain't cheap, but I don't see nursery pines like this here. Tree is about 18" from soil level with about a 3" nebari. Decent branch structure. Roots I'm sure are a mess, which may lend itself to not being a good choice...
  17. L

    Lorax7 Ponderosa Pine #1 progression

    Andy Smith collected in spring 2020. Bought it through Ken’s World of Bonsai (2021). Haven’t done anything to it yet. Planning to graft foliage in spring 2022:
  18. L

    Lorax7 JWP #1 progression

    Beginning a progression thread for my first JWP. Forgot to take a picture before starting to work on it. It was straight and basically Christmas-tree-shaped when bought from the nursery. After some branch selection, wiring, and first bending: After working on that bend a bit more and...
  19. A

    Japanese White Pine questions on climate and cultivars

    Hi, I am brand new to bonsai so please excuse my ignorance. I'm very interested in getting a young Japanese White Pine to train as a bonsai. I was looking online for some sources since I couldn't find them at local nurseries, (at least not yet). I can only find them on the Coniferkingdom...
  20. mwar15

    JWP grafting

    This is my ongoing quest to graft jwp. I acquired some EWP rootstock from a local nursery that was being discarded as they grafts for the nursery trade didn’t take. I bought a Regenhold JWP. It obviously isn’t good for bonsai in it’s current form. I am barerooting the EWP bands down to the...
  21. thecarlos808

    Japanese white pine color question

    Hi I have a Japanese white pine and had some questions regarding the needle color, I know that non grafted white pines times to be a lighter color but I was hoping to get some opinions on the current color of my pine. Also I have a wound on my tree and was hoping to see what the best approach to...
  22. YodaJordan

    Zuisho JWP Foliage (grafted/ungrafted)

    I have purchased some grafted Zuisho JWP as nursery stock, now I’m just going to increase size and ramification. Although there is 2 questions that stand out in my mind unanswered: 1) What is the difference in terms of foliage on a JWP Zuisho with grafted as opposed to ungrafted? (I’m guessing...
  23. C

    Japanese white pine needles browning and dropping

    Hello all, In one of my Japanese white pines, many of the needles even those that are green are dropping at the slightest touch, and then there are needles in some branches that are all browning but not dropping as easily. Unsure if they are two different issues. I am located in San Francisco...
  24. M

    JWP Styling advice

    Hello guys, I’m have posted a few times regarding my JWP. I got it a month ago and now I’m planning what I would like it to look like. I’m a little lost for ideas if I’m being honest, I have looked online for inspiration but the look is quite different to other JWP I see. i was thinking about...
  25. M

    Yellowing needles JWP

    Hi guys, Could you please help me and tell em if this is normal? The needles seem to be yellow and browning at the top leaving them bottom green. Only minor so far. it is been quite hot here recently and been in the sun all the time.
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