middle east

  1. Aiki_Joker

    How can I continue Bonsai :(

    Hi there, I need some advice if possible. Moving back to a 3 month on 1 month off rotation where I will be 3 months in Libya then 1 month off in the UK rotating. Is there any way I can maintain several trees during the three months away so I can work them and enjoy them when I get back? I am...
  2. Aiki_Joker

    2.5" Bougainvillea Air Layer Cut Too Soon? :0/

    Hey everyone! I hope all is well. Looking for advice on this if possible. This was airlayered for only 3 weeks and I got impatient!! :0/ Does anyone have any tips for survival? I'm working and living in Oman and nights are above 30C here days are upto 40C in this shaded plant room where it is...
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