
  1. J

    White Growth in soil of my Plants Safe or Unsafe Any Advice?

    Could it be minerals from the water I’m using I am using bottled water to water my plants. I don’t know if that makes a difference but it’s forming little white balls in the soil on all of my plants. Any tips or advice? And I do not know what the one with the flowers is called if anyone does...
  2. Storm_Lord

    White mould on ficus soil - how to get rid?

    Hi everyone! A couple of months ago, I posted about my Ficus dropping leaves, and you all gave some excellent advice. I repotted the tree, as suggested, and it seems to be good and healthy again. Thanks! One problem, though: over the past couple of days, a whitish mould has appeared on the...
  3. E

    White patch of mould on ficus ginseng trunk, leaf drop.

    Hi,I have managed to keep this ficus alive for 5 years and it seemed to be doing well until recently some of the leaves started to turn yellow then brown and fall off at least 50% of them.I noticed the soil had become compacted so I repotted it into a slightly larger pot with better drainage...
  4. Rivian

    Mould on hardwood cuttings

    I just took trident cuttings 2 or 3 days ago and theres already bits of visible grey mould on some of the buds, which also have started greening up. I have them in a see-through plastic container with a plexi glass sheet on it in the living room. Substrate is perlite with bits of vermiculite and...
  5. D

    Mould on moss

    Hello all, I’m new to owning a bonsai and was just looking for some help and direction. I seem to have a bit of mould growing over the moss. Is this something that needs looking at or is it ok? It’s an indoor Carmona bonsai in a south facing window (UK) I water it once a week and use a liquid...
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