old gold

  1. L

    Lorax7 ‘Old Gold’ Juniper #1 progression

    Picked this one up from Lowe’s in the clearance section (75% off, woo!). Recently, I saw Hugo Zamora do a trunk splitting demo and I wanted to try it that technique, so this is my practice tree. Here it is before being worked on: It’s ready for it’s closeup, Mr. DeMille.
  2. Balbs

    Juniper 'Old Gold' Styling and Progression

    I'm going to document the progression of an Old Gold Juniper in this thread. After staring at it for a year and a half, I think I understand why there are so few threads on this cultivar on here. Anyhow, July of 2019 I came across this tree at a local HD and I liked the trunk and what I could...
  3. D

    first old gold juniper from nursery stock

    My first styling of a juniper I am hoping to make it into an informal upright. I did Shari on front of trunk and jin on the branch above. There was another branch below the branch I did the jin on and tied them together. I don't know if I should have waited to do the jin and Shari. if anyone has...
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