pin oak

  1. SmallTreeGuy

    Beautiful large Yamadori Oak… possibly not a failure?

    Hey all, So, a month and a half ago, I was given the opportunity from a friend in the construction business to collect some trees from an area that was being closed off and cleared, next to a neighborhood in South Dallas. He knows I like to collect trees and practice bonsai, so he told me that...
  2. Fishtank307

    Dwarf pin oak

    This is an interesting landscaping tree I picked up last year. It's a dwarf pin oak or Quercus palustris 'Isabelle'. When I bought it, it was around 1.7m high, with a fairly wide canopy. A couple of weeks ago, I cut it back, hoping to get it to backbud on older wood, which it did. The plan is to...
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