
  1. Astrobonsai

    New CH Elm Exposed Roots

    I have been growing bonsai for about five years now and feel comfortable with many different designs in a variety of trees. That being said, I recently got this Chinese Elm and I am not sure if the root situation will allow me to grow proper nebari in the future. This is my 5th CH Elm and until...
  2. RJG2

    Earwigs and air layers

    Wondering if anyone has run into this before, or if I should actually be worried/super annoyed. I checked an air layer the other day, and it had good callus, but no roots. Fine, great, leave it on/re-scar/re-wrap you might say. But there were a half dozen or so earwigs in there. Did some...
  3. N

    Please help me identify and not kill this thing

    Found this guy on a dirt bike trail, was in basically sand. I definitely hurt the root system pulling it, but it still had a good strong tap root. I’ve since put them in a root pot with well draining 90:10ish rock:soil mixture. I water from the bottom. Not sure if a cedar or juniper, I did...
  4. M

    Guys I need help I’m confused on the root color for the flame tree I might’ve killed mine

    So I recently noticed my flame trees roots were black so I thought they were rotten so I removed them all but I saw in a YouTube video that they have black roots and I think I might’ve killed it someone please help me.
  5. SmallTreeGuy

    Will this Elm Air Layer up high?

    I have been eyeing a specific branch on one of my large Elm trees for a couple of years and luckily it is above my studio so I can reach it with a ladder. When spring comes around, I’m planning on air layering it to get a pretty substantial trunk with some interesting movement. Attached is the...
  6. Clicio

    Roots? What roots?

    This is a thread to show off your successful roots from last season. I will start with a little Buxus Harlandii after 1 year growing in a plastic pot, in my usual bonsai soil mix.
  7. J

    Re-potting Juniper Advice? Tips?

    Just got a new Juniper! And I re potted it but the roots were balled pretty tight so I kissed it up as much as possible without damaging the roots. I re potted it in a larger wider bonsai pot. There is some of the roots sticking out on top is that alright? If the majority of rooting is soiled...
  8. jg1903

    Root System of Brussel’s Chinese Elm

    I’m new to bonsai (first year). I ordered a couple of Chinese elm pre-bonsai from Brussel’s awhile back. I could feel something hard in the middle of the planter, but figured it was some growing medium or planter feature. Awhile back, I pulled out one of them, and the trunk basically went into...
  9. SmallTreeGuy

    Elm collection. Root pruning necessary a few seasons ahead?

    Hello, all! On Thanksgiving day at my parents’ place we went for a walk through their woods and I saw this curved elm amidst the forest of straight trunks. I love the sweeping curve so I am considering it for collection. Now onto the questions lol. Should I root prune some and wait a couple...
  10. C

    Root Advice

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I look forward to connecting with you all. I recently acquired a nicely aged, but quite neglected pomegranate. After much care I am starting to see new buds. However, the roots are in an awful state. They have been left to intertwine and meld into each other, leaving a...
  11. blainsai

    Back to nursery pot 4 more size. Help

    Wife got me my 2nd tree from the same old lady and her van on a St. corner. It’s a healthy little tree but I want more tree. Can I just use a cheap black plastic pot that all my other gardening plants come in. Like a 1 gallon? Or do I need something fancy like I see on Also...
  12. Apex37

    Matches/Toothpick Method to Create Surface Roots?

    So this is probably an older method I just hadn't heard of based on the age of the book, but in Bonsai: It's Art, Science, History, and Philosophy by Deborah Koreshoff she talks about a few methods to creating new surface roots. Essentially, one method it talks about is drilling holes to the...
  13. bonsaiDerek

    how to tell if roots are growing

    is there a way to check if roots are growing on a collected ponderosa pine which was potted in early august?
  14. F

    Ficus struggling after repotting

    I repotted a few of my ficus burtt Davyi Bonsai within the last week. I removed a few of the long roots on each of the trees that were wrapping around & around the pot. All the trees seem to be doing well except for 1 of them. The leaves are drying out & wilting, about 60% of the leaves seem...
  15. M

    Dug Up Wisteria

    Hi everyone. I just dug up this wisteria that my neighbor didn’t want. It’s very fat for a vine, but quite ugly. It’s about 8 inches wide at the base. Any styling suggestions? Should I just throw it out?
  16. M

    New Sakuragata Satsuki, Need Some Help

    Hello friends, Today (May 20) I purchased a Sakuragata Satsuki azalea from Schley’s Bonsai nursery and I need help transforming it into something beautiful. I’m new to azalea bonsai. To begin, when is the best time to drastic prune this piece? Can I begin now (May)? Will duct seal work as...
  17. cornfed

    The Four-Inch Rule: Air Pruning from Germination & Rootmaker

    As I began learning more about bonsai, I stumbled across a concept you guys are all very familiar with, but was new to me: Air-Pruning. I learned about it while researching a local tree nursery that uses "The Rootmaker System" by reading the literature on their website. Pictured below is an...
  18. MaineBonsaiEnthusiast

    Giant American Beech yamadori

    Hey Everyone, I pulled this monster out yesterday and I'm looking for advice. I wasn't able to collect as many roots as I had hoped so I'm curious what you would do moving forward. Biggest questions are whether I should tent it, and should I reduce any of the small/less significant branching...
  19. Clicio

    Circling roots-How to handle them?

    Hi folks, Sometimes the answers to simple questions are so ambiguous, or even contradictory, I think it is better to ask here first. Every time I find circling roots tightly packed around a pot, I get the impression that even being as careful as possible untangling them is not the best...
  20. hemmy

    Apparent Mycorrhizae sheaths on Trident Maple Roots

    I dug this trident maple yesterday and found these white fungal(?) sheaths on many roots. When wet, it was thick and spongy and could be scratched away to reveal the outer portion of the root beneath. They appear similar to images at the below site, but this is the first time I’ve encountered...
  21. Clicio

    Nebari. Brazilian Style.

    Amazon Rain Forest. photo ©2018 AraquemAlcantara
  22. C

    Transitional soil?

    Hi all, I have a question that I cant seem to find an answer to online or in my books. I live in zone 6b and I am just getting into conifers. I currently have a small white pine and a cypress. Im not trying to bind them yet or anything. I just want them to be happy and healthy for a year or...
  23. Clicio

    Acer Kaede roots galore!

    Hi, talking about air layering roots and colanders, this little trident maple has grown a lot fhis season (never mind the apex sacrifice branch), and the roots are coming ou of the botton of the pot. Well, I've been following some threads saying "roots die immediately when they are exposed to...
  24. O

    Bedding Trees

    I have quite a few small trees I took as saplings a few years ago and potted them in various grit mixes. They are doing great but are getting too big (and there are too many) to keep potting up, I simply cant make that much grit. I want to put them in the ground for a few years to let them...
  25. Angela

    Acacia Advice, Please?

    Hi there! So I'm not sure if there's a forum for this, so sorry if I'm messing this up ... This is my first ever bonsai. My parents got it for me. It's an Acacia, though I'm not sure what type -- it has thorns and the bark of the trunk has an almost feathery texture - it's soft and if you...
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