
  1. TreeCat

    Sick Juniper help

    I don’t know why it’s dying. Is it the heat? I don’t think I’m overwatering. Or under watering. I recently started testing with a gauge beforehand to be careful. It’s kept outside. Gets some direct light and lots of shaded light. It’s over 100 degrees out, but that’s normal for my area. Low...
  2. J

    Need help with my desert rose bonsaï, stem rot?

    Hello and thank you for reading! I think that my beautiful desert rose bonsaï is suffering from some kind of fungus. A couple of weeks ago, the top leaves started to go completely brown, and I realized that the plant was probably in a setting that was too humid for it... I've pruned the leaves...
  3. J

    EMERGENCY! My sick Fukien Tea tree has brown fuzz.. and little bugs.. Please help before it dies!

    Hello friends, I come to you in my time of need for my poor sick tree. I need some help and remedy solutions to remove this brown fuzz and these little brown/black bugs in the soil. The brown fuzz in the pictures is growing at the stems of the leaves on quite a lot of the branches. From what...
  4. sLeepLess

    Reaching Out for 2nd Opinions

    Hello Everyone, I am obviously new to Bonsai Nut. I most likely have used this site in the past when searching for information but i use any and all sources available to me so i never settled down. If i used your knowledge before, it was just one among many but; Thank you! I suppose i am...
  5. C

    Neglected hokkaido elm

    I got a Hokkaido Elm out of the trash at work. Its in bad shape but has some green growth and it is budding! I need to know how to help it get healthy again. I think it was being overwatered. Should i prune the naked branches even if they have tiny green spots on them? Should i repot it and...
  6. C

    Neglected Mugo Pine

    I fished a mugo pine bonsai from the trash at the nursery i work at. Im wondering how to get it back to being healthy. Its a good size, almost all the needles are yellow and falling off. There is new green growth and there is sap in the buds(i plucked one off). I know its not dead but im...
  7. B

    Bonsai Dying.. Help!

    She is a pink pixie bonsai tree that is only 2 years old. She has not blossomed yet, but has been very healthy and full until last week. She has always been an indoor tree, but sits near windows. We moved at the end of July and she took to the move well. I prune her about every month. About 2...
  8. Mad Furiosa


    This is my first bonsai. It's a chinese elm and I grew it from a seed. Always indoors, watered daily with a little diluted fertilizer, mist it sometimes. Southern Alberta. It seems healthy growing lots but all a sudden I notice one of the newer leaves has a brown tip? and the older leaves have...
  9. D

    Help sick bonsai

    Hey there first time poster! Looking for some expert thoughts and suggestions. I have had my bonsai for 13 years (see pics) it's a flowering Fukien tea kifu and to be honest it's been the easiest thing to take care of, water it once a week, I have had in direct sun, barely any sun each time I...
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