styling advice

  1. Ishaan

    Young ficus Benjamina styling options?

    I picked up two Ficus Benjamina a while back, with the intention of using them in a different project but realized that they would make great bonsai. Any ideas for styling? I’m thinking a formal upright/broom with the smaller one but don’t really have a plan for the larger one. I put some wire...
  2. Thatguy85

    Indian Hawthron styling question

    So I have have this Indian Hawthorn (Raphiolepis Umbellata Ovata) that I bought at a nice discount l, and I also wanted to work on bigger marerial as the plant had a very broad base. However, it has some features that I find hard to work work with. For example, it has a 'double nebari', layered...
  3. Matt3839

    Hinoki cypress initial styling advice?

    Hi guys I recently found a good deal on a Hinoki cypress and thought what the heck, try it out. The tree measures roughly 42 inches tall and I’m planning to cut back and create a new apex at some point but I wanted to get your thoughts on initial advice. There are 3 main trunks and I’m thinking...
  4. L

    First Styling Twin Trunk Nana Juniper

    Just finished styling this nana juniper, I think I’m going for a twin trunk approach. I would love some feedback on how I did or if there things I could improve upon.
  5. K

    New JBP, Need advice!

    Hi Everyone, I just need ideas on styling this black pine. I'm new to all this and not sure if I picked a good starter or not. I'm also curious if I can make it grow on a large rock or not. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
  6. H

    Japanese Black Pine - Leader Choice

    Similar to the other I posted, I ga e to make a choice that will cut off about 1/2 the tree either way. Suggestions on which branch to continue on as leader is greatly appreciated. One continues more vertical with the existing gently curve while the right makes a more dramatic cut and removing...
  7. C

    I'm nervous, but excited!

    I just purchased this trident maple. It will be my best tree yet. I'm super excited to get this and get it potted up. I don't have it yet, but I should get it next week. I have a 21" x 21" wooden box with holes and such that I made that I'll put it in. I'm just a little nervous about getting it...
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