sun or shade

  1. J

    Bonsai choice for partial shade

    Hi, I live in a north facing apartment, which means the interior and balcony of my place gets lots of bright but indirect light throughout the day. While I have great success growing shade loving/resistant plants such as calatheas, philodendrons, pink lilies, hostas, etc. I was wondering what...
  2. L

    Health of Tree?

    Hey, I’m super new to bonsai and I need some help. I’ve tried to wire my bonsai for the first time and it turned out pretty bad but that’s not why I’m here haha. I was wondering if anyone knew why certain parts of my bonsai were browning. I also was wondering if anyone could give me...
  3. R

    How Much Sun For a Juniper Procumbens Nana?

    I'm just getting into Bonsai and recently received a Juniper Procumbens Nana as a gift. I know they like a lot of sun. Currently the tree gets about 5 hours a day because of where it is located. Is this enough sun light or should I shoot for something higher like 6+ hours a day?
  4. jomawa

    Technical Question - Maple, Sun or Shade?

    I've broadened the question beyond just vine maples, which I am specifically observing in nature, and thus my question. I realize the standard/common/default answer is shade and it matches what we generally see, that is vine maples grow under an evergreen forest canopy. OK I get that, but I'm...
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