
  1. M

    When to top JM

    Hi, New to the forum and to bonsai in general. I saw this weeping JM at Lowe’s for half price and couldn’t pass it up. I love its structure but am moving to a townhouse soon and will not have sufficient outdoor space so I want to reduce the size of my trees. My question is: When is the best...
  2. F

    Birch seedling. Should I break out the shears?

    Hello, I have a birch seedling that I am hoping to make into a bonsai. The plan is to go for a 12 inch tall broom style bonsai. Right now the plant is just over 4 inches tall. I read to top it 1/3 of the final height and then let the top grow out into the broom part. So my question is: Do I top...
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