
  1. M

    Is this normal? Vachellia tortillis

    I have been growing these for 4 months and now I moved them inside as it is getting in The low 5 degrees celsius at night they are in an ikea greenhouse with led lights from 9-10 am to 18-19pm . I read that They can get a shock is this what is happening The one with The most mature wood is...
  2. M

    Vachellia Tortillis Progress/Overwintering

    Hello, I have been growing my Vachellia tortillis for 3 months and change on my balcony with 30-35+ degrees celsius with barely any rain but watering every 2-3 days. Zone 7b Slovakia. We have very warm and dry summers but also quite cold winters that can go to -15 degrees celsius in some parts...
  3. abugoogoo

    Umbrella Thorn substrate choices

    Morning guys n gals, I have some umbrella thorns that I started from seed about a year ago. I repotted the 3 survivors, along with some new seedlings yesterday. I went with a mix of 50/50 lava and pumice, with some desert sand thrown in, as the reading I've done on these says that they like...
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