
  1. tinyzigzag

    Know any good online nurseries? Please share! Also seeking variegated Chinese elm

    Hello all, I’ve been trying to track down a variegated Chinese elm, either MrMaple’s “Mottled Molly” or “Frosty”. Does anyone know when they might restock the MrMaple one or where else to look? Also, and this is just to help me expand my little personal nursery database so it doesn’t have to...
  2. Rivian

    Variegated Horse Chestnut

    I found a variegated horse chestnut branch in a hedge. Probably only a 20cm section, maybe 4 or 5 leaves. No pics since I never have my phone with me. I guess I'll add one from the interwebz Just googled it and there already exists Aesculus hippocastanum 'variegata' But I think I still want to...
  3. Perrywinkle

    Wrightia religiosa variegata (and thoughts on variegated bonsai in general)

    Hello everyone. I was browsing online for tips on growing wrightia and I stumbled upon a rather impressive variegated form of Wrightia religiosa from Top Tropicals. Of course I instantly wondered whether this would make a good bonsai. It seems like just the new growth is white. Methinks it...
  4. AlanReynolds

    Variegated Juniper Progression Pictures

    I'm just posting these pictures as a kind of a progression log for this tree. You guys are more than welcome to come take a look also.
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