It always is, I've been doing demos and workshops at the All State Show for the last four or five years and the people there are fantastic, fun, and I always look forward to coming back.
Good for you Will
I'm waiting for the publication to hit before I throw it out on-line....just a way to make wiring quicker and less tedious. The demo was just to test it out on the public and it got decent reviews...considering how hesitant bonsaists are to try something new.....take the new ICHIBAN for example, lol. Imagine the debates that happened when someone first started using wire instead of strings and weights on bonsai...
Whach you talkin bout Will(is) bonsaiists are afraid to try something new Not me, looking forward to finding out about this.
Hmmm, I don't sell ICHIBAN, nor do I currently own one, I also did not see an ICHIBAN there at the show, but then again, I may have been the only one there using Masakuni tools, but who really notices?
Quelll designer tools are all the rage these days, do they have em at Wallmart, for cheap
The three of a kind demo is always fun and we never know what material or species we will be working on until the demo starts. This year we drew numbers out of a hat to select which piece we got. Keeps you on your toes.... ;.)