Almost spring bougies


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I took some photos of my trees today, mostly for my own reference. I thought I'd post them for opinions, advice and such. I've repotted some so far, mostly into bonsai pots (they fit better under the lights and my wife asked why I have "so many" bonsai pots but I have most of my stuff in crappy plastic.)
All are Pink Pixie from the same mother plant, except one:
Bonsai 03-2017 013.JPGThis guy needs to recover from a root prune. I should be able to start styling once that happens.
Bonsai 03-2017 014.JPGA root cutting. not sure if it will bud back or not.
Bonsai 03-2017 015.JPG Bonsai 03-2017 016.JPGThis guy is staying in his pond basket for another summer. I may put him out in my garden plot to give him a boost.
Bonsai 03-2017 017.JPGThis one needs to keep on trucking. I might trim back the long branches to keep things in close
Bonsai 03-2017 018.JPGThis one could use a repot, not sure what I did with the wiring, mostly getting it out of the way for other stuff on the shelf.
Bonsai 03-2017 019.JPGI just repotted/slip potted this one. Lots of roots. The extended branch was an experiment using raffia last year. I wrapped and wired the too stiff to bend shoot and bent it till I heard cracking, then let it alone for the rest of the year. All the "breaks" healed well except for one near the end that separated during examination. Raffia should have stayed on longer, so it could cover with more growth.
Bonsai 03-2017 020.JPGThe mother plant, scraping by. It needs to recover from being root pruned and repotted.
Bonsai 03-2017 021.JPG This is a red bougie that I bought last yearand pruned back. It put out most of the growth over the winter, and then slowed down. It's starting to push some new growth again. I don't know if I'm going to repot this year (when the weather warms up again) It may be a candidate for being put out in my garden plot.

ps - I know I have hard water/lime scale.
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