American elm

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Ottawa, KS
This is a tree I misidentified as American Elm. It is actually Siberian elm. It was originally styled with pointed jins on top, in kind of a twin trunk pine tree style. The friend who gave it to me collected it from the side of a highway cut, hence the growing angle. I decided to hollow the trees instead of preserving the deadwood, and change the planting angle so the smaller trunk was not leaning over the parent trunk. To accomplish this, I decided to air layer the tree to give it a flatter, more natural nebari.


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Thank you for posting this particular tree Chris. I'm extremely interested in american elm as it is what I see having much potential as collected material in this area.
How is this duo coming along now?
I really like the knot holes in the trunks and the aged bark.
How is this duo coming along now?
I really like the knot holes in the trunks and the aged bark.

Thanks, Jay. It's doing just fine although it's in its winter storage right now. This spring I intend to repot it and begin to expose the new nebari. I will also stabilize the deadwood, which in my opinion should never have been used on this tree because it takes so much maintenance just to keep it.

I should also mention here that it is not an American elm as I was told when it was given to me, but a common Siberian elm. The American elm has orangish bark in diamond shapes.
Winter storage????

Oh, that's right, you live in one of those places where it gets cold.

My winter storage is the same as my summer storage.
Winter storage????

Oh, that's right, you live in one of those places where it gets cold.

My winter storage is the same as my summer storage.

Okay, I am going to ask you to refrain in future from heaping scorn upon the colder climates. Florida is an aberration, and any right-thinking American knows it is. Nyaah.:p
I'm going to go back out into the my t-shirt....hope I don't get too warm.
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I am going to go play with my Larches, JWP's, Hemlocks, Crabapples, Quince and my Scots pines too...Have you ever seen any of those Jay? lol
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All right, ALL RIGHT! You have no right to hijack my thread. Let's go back to talking about my elm.
I see I never updated this thread. In response to this thread, I decided to post more pics and an update. Here is the tree potted at its new angle. The layering went quite well and I got good roots all around that can be sorted out as time goes on.



I am sorry to say that this elm has been dropping major branches without rhyme or reason. I have to agree with Rockm that it's not an ideal subject for bonsai.
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