Bald Cypress and Neem sensitivity?

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Coastal S.C.
Has anyone experienced a neem sensitivity in bald cypress? Are there certain species that are less tolerant of Neem oil or oils in general?
I have been battling spider-mites since the first day of spring this year. I have some older rose bushes in the yard and I believe they are spider mite factories. I picked up a bottle of pre mixed neem spray at the Depot and gave all of my bonsai a spray in the evening so that I wouldn't have to worry about scorching or moving them all into the shade. I noticed no adverse reactions in any of my plants except for on a bald cypress that is new as of this spring. The leaves lost turgor pressure by the next evening even though it had plenty of water. Although it looked terrible, and I was sure it had given up, it has since recovered and only the tips of the growth ended up shriveling and going crispy. I removed the inorganic fertilizer pellet that I was using just in case I over did it.
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