Bonsai Vault Article Contest


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B-Nutters stand up and show what great authors reside at Da Nut house​

Sharpen your pencils and let your imagination go. Come join the Article Contest at Bonsai Vault, its about to begin!

More information can be found HERE

Hello Tom... I really like the idea of this contest. I hope there will be many submissions from which to learn. However in today's technological world, articles need not be limited to just text and pics. Is there any room in this contest for non-traditional articles...such as a podcast/video format?

Is there any room in this contest for non-traditional articles...such as a podcast/video format?
Hi John, Really glad you like the idea.

You are going to make me tip my hand here :D

As far as non-traditional articles such as a podcast/video format. I have to say no at this time, just text, pictures, and illustrations.

However (and here comes the forced hand) when the visual media section opens, which should be soon, I will be kicking it off with a visual media contest. That would be an excellent time to use this format.

Sorry if this disappoints on this go around, but please submit an article anyway would love to hear what you have to say.
No disappointment here...just glad to hear that you are looking in the right direction in the near future;)
I think that is such a cool idea Mr John. :) I am studing video formats in computer class at school. I think its a really good idea and Dad should listen more closely to your suggestion
I completely agree with Miss Brown. Video would be a great addition to the BV site.
Thank you for approving Miss Brown:) So, you're studying video formats...which format might be best to use on a website? ok...I am sorry I will quit being the teacher now...but that is exactly what I do in my job is teach students and teachers about technology. I am very glad to hear that your studying this in school.

Mr. John

Two weeks left for article submissions to the Bonsai Vault Article Contest!

So if you haven't gotten your creative juices flowing, I would perhaps suggest a dose of prunes are in order :)
Time is running out!
3 days to go for submissions to the Bonsai Vault Article Contest. This is a great chance to share your knowledge, wit, or humor with others and a chance to cash in on some great prizes.
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