Common Juniper

Hans Vleugels

Reaction score
Houthalen, Belgium
Hi everybody,

I want to share some work I did today with all of you...

I bought this common Juniper last year in october from somebody who was stopping with bonsai, because he didn't had enough free time to work on his trees. Although wire was biting in on some branches, it looked healthy enough for me to buy it.

First thing I did was removing the wire. Then I cleaned the deadwood with a brush.

These are some pictures how it looked then. (october 2006)

Kind regards,


  • Juniperus communis 22-10-2006 A.jpg
    Juniperus communis 22-10-2006 A.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 22-10-2006 B.jpg
    Juniperus communis 22-10-2006 B.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 23-10-2006 detail.jpg
    Juniperus communis 23-10-2006 detail.jpg
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Last edited:
This week I wired the tree, and today I styled it...

Here are some pictures after the styling. Height measured from the rim of the pot: 20 cm

1st picture: Front
2nd picture: Right side
3rd picture: Left side
4th picture: Back side
5th picture: Bird's view

The current Yixing pot is too big. I am looking for a more suitable pot, so any ideas about a new pot.. :confused:

All comments and remarks are welcome...

Kind regards,


  • Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 voorkant 3.jpg
    Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 voorkant 3.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 linkerkant.jpg
    Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 linkerkant.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 rechterkant.jpg
    Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 rechterkant.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 achterkant.jpg
    Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 achterkant.jpg
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  • Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 bovenaanzicht.jpg
    Juniperus communis 21-04-2007 bovenaanzicht.jpg
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You have done an excellent job.The shape and branch arrangement on this tree are great.Even more remarkable is the story of struggle and finally overcoming and flourishing of the tree in a less than docile environment.

I do have a question though.While I understand that excellent nebari on junipers is rare,the exposed roots on this tree are less than ideal to my eyes.I'm wondering what your thought process was in determining to keep them high and exposed.A simple "I prefer them that way" will do...but to truly satisfy my curiousity, a more detailed explanation would be appreciated.



The nebari is indeed not that good. I cleaned the rootbase a bit to see what's underneath, and that's why you see these exposed roots. I think this tree is potted more than a few years in this pot, and therefore it is standing this high in it's pot. The roots are simply pushing the tree upwards...

Also this is not the final image. It's the first styling I am doing on it. I am planning to correct this during the next repotting. I hope to get it in a lower position in the new pot, and hide the exposed roots a bit by filling it up with soil-mix...

Kind regards,

Thankyou for explaining that.I supposed as much.

A sig. improvent for sure.

The large jin that crosses the trunkline from right to left seems to interupt the flow. And thoughts on removing it?

- bob
A sig. improvent for sure.

The large jin that crosses the trunkline from right to left seems to interupt the flow. And thoughts on removing it?

- bob

No, personnaly I don't want to remove it. I think it gives some 'balance' to this tree...

Beautiful transformation. I love what you've done with it.
Is it possible that this tree was once a full cascade and has been repotted into it's current position? Just tip it to the right, level out the green, and presto.
I like what you have done so far with this tree. When you repot, it should be easy enough to lower it and get a decent nebari. I am not really thrilled with the crossing jin either, but I see your point about balancing the tree. Not sure how I would handle it.

Regardless, beautiful job of grooming this one and turning a neglected tree into a beautiful one.
Thanks for the positive reactions.

This tree is doing well. Lots of new growth, and not one branch letting me down. I hope to repot it this autumn, if I find a matching pot. If not, it will be a training pot, or maybe the same pot. Because I don't like the soil it's in now.

I think much of it's future will depend on how the roots look during the next repotting. Maybe I will change the angle a bit. But for now I can't see what is beneath the soil...

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